stuck on what to do next tbh,been on 2+ years and not feeling any better

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hi people
i started feeling crap all the time and had a test done at the doctors around late 2016
and upon the results which i cannot find now which put me at low t/hypergonadol.
he refused to refer me to endo , so i had to start privately through dr savage ( uk )
he started me on nebido which was a nightmare tbf , up and down from beginning to end , he then agreed to put me on test enanthate which i have tried altering at intervals but cannot find the right regime to make me feel any better, I've tried a few as you will see on my medical details .
he would not prescribe any form of ai to drop my high oestradiol.
i can purchase the arimidex now online and already had aromasin, but was unsure what size to use.
which is why I'm here at your feet looking for some help dealing me in.
the last 4 months I've been on 37.5mg twice weekly and had my bloods taken today which i will post wednesday ,
but it looks like I'm just dropping down and down to get rid of the oestrogen
I'm now 45 years old and am slightly overweight, 6ft , 16 stone but thick set anyway.
i was working out regularly doing 3/4 day splits but had some heart scares around end of 2017 which scared me off to be honest
any help gladly appreciated
Screen Shot 2019-07-15 at 19.42.39.png
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I'm afraid without reference ranges it's difficult to know where your levels stand. It seems like you are having difficulty getting estrogen down and testosterone higher making you estrogen dominant.

You need to think about smaller dosing ED or EOD to bring estrogen down and get testosterone high. This is a problem I faced as well, the only protocol where I'm able to have testosterone higher in relation to estrogen is a 7-10mg daily protocol.

You'll probably need at least 12mg daily, probably a little more. You should make life as painless as possible, using 27-29 gauge insulin syringes in the shoulders and quads.
i have been reading these forums all day and that was honestly my next step to pin everyday sub-q at 15mg, which would equate to 105g per week
I'm afraid without reference ranges it's difficult to know where your levels stand. It seems like you are having difficulty getting estrogen down and testosterone higher making you estrogen dominant.

You need to think about smaller dosing ED or EOD to bring estrogen down and get testosterone high. This is a problem I faced as well, the only protocol where I'm able to have testosterone higher in relation to estrogen is a 7-10mg daily protocol.

You'll probably need at least 12mg daily, probably a little more. You should make life as painless as possible, using 27-29 gauge insulin syringes in the shoulders and quads.

i have been reading these forums all day and that was honestly my next step to pin everyday sub-q at 15mg, which would equate to 105g per week
i have been reading these forums all day and that was honestly my next step to pin everyday sub-q at 15mg, which would equate to 105g per week

Looking at your previous protocols I believe that will be a little too much Test, try 12mg daily instead. Small moves have big consequences when on daily protocols.
Looking at your previous protocols I believe that will be a little too much Test, try 12mg daily instead. Small moves have big consequences when on daily protocols.

many thanks i will do that starting tonight as it was my pin night anway
ill do 12.5 as that it 0.5 on an insulin needle
I'm afraid without reference ranges it's difficult to know where your levels stand. It seems like you are having difficulty getting estrogen down and testosterone higher making you estrogen dominant.

You need to think about smaller dosing ED or EOD to bring estrogen down and get testosterone high. This is a problem I faced as well, the only protocol where I'm able to have testosterone higher in relation to estrogen is a 7-10mg daily protocol.

Do you have labs (TT/FT, E2, and SHBG) that you could share showing the difference between ED and EOD? I'd really appreciate seeing them.

I hear the term "estrogen dominance" occasionally and I'm not entirely sure what it means.
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Not feeling any better after 2+ years? I’d say it’s time to cut bait or maybe try topicals.

Injectable testosterone is shown greater benefits versus tropicals.
I hear the term "estrogen dominance" occasionally and I'm not entirely sure what it means.

Total T low in relation to estrogen is estrogen dominance, women have higher estrogen in relation to testosterone.

An example of estrogen dominance, Total T 500 ng/dL and estrogen 50 pg/mL. In this case Total T is mid-range and estrogen above range and this is estrogen dominance.

A normal natural health male would have a Total T 800 and estrogen <35 pg/mL.
Injectable testosterone is shown greater benefits versus tropicals.

Total T low in relation to estrogen is estrogen dominance, women have higher estrogen in relation to testosterone.

An example of estrogen dominance, Total T 500 ng/dL and estrogen 50 pg/mL. In this case Total T is mid-range and estrogen above range and this is estrogen dominance.

A normal natural health male would have a Total T 800 and estrogen <35 pg/mL.

brilliantly put and just shows that I'm in oestrogen dominance deficit atm,
my stats are: testosterone 519 ng/dl and oestrogen 158pmol
latest results just came back in::eek:
i had dropped down to 30mg twice weekly in the last few weeks , i didn't realise till i checked the syringe that i had done that when i was prepping my shot yesterday :oops:


testosterone 11.5nmol 8.33-30.9 nmol
calculated free testosterone 0.265nmol
shbg 25.5 nmol 13.5-71.40 nmol
free androgen index 45.1% 20.40-81.20%
oestradiol 82pmol 40-161 pmol
psa 0.7 0.00-3.00 ugl
prolactin 260miul 73-407miul

no wonder I've been feeling lousy/bitchy/mardy and lethargic.
I'm even lower than where i started at ,at 13.6nmol of test:eek::eek:

i started on monday 12.5 g of test everyday and will see where this ends up,

any thoughts kind people
How would 12.5 be .5 on an insulin syringe. Is that the confusion?
my test enanthate is 250 per 1ml ,so i gather that every 0.1 is 25mg.
i was dosing it at just over 0.1 ( i know its a guesstimate now )
serves me right to be honest being flippant.
i know now that 0.05 is the 12.5mg dose,
i hope thats correct now
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