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Hey guys,

Just uploading my recent labs. Since December I have been off everything prescribed from my doctor. I currently am medication free! Only taking D-3, milk thistle, and fish oils. Back in 2017 I heavily used anabolic steroids, but decided to be healthy and start a new chapter in my life to be around for my son. I currently weigh 205lb, 6” and BP is 120/70/60 with about temp of 98.6.

For now I still battle anxiety, hair thinning, mood swings, and tunnel vision. Sleep is alright and sometimes I have an over active bladder. Appetite is better but I eat smaller portions. Overall I feel like I am improving but sometimes I have bad days. I think with more time my numbers will start to bounce back to optimal ranges. Let me know what you guys think.

Regarding high RT3, I recently dislocated my knee cap taking some garbage out. So my body was under a lot of stress and pain.

TPO, I was told I am one of those people who have the antibodies and just to monitor my thyroid as time goes on. No worries. TSH, T3 and T4 have shown to be fine in previous tests.


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I will let others chime in on high TPO and RT3 but only thing I have found to lower my liver enzymes is a product called Tudca and it took them from 90 to 30's fast.
Hey guys,

Just uploading my recent labs. Since December I have been off everything prescribed from my doctor. I currently am medication free! Only taking D-3, milk thistle, and fish oils. Back in 2017 I heavily used anabolic steroids, but decided to be healthy and start a new chapter in my life to be around for my son. I currently weigh 205lb, 6” and BP is 120/70/60 with about temp of 98.6.

For now I still battle anxiety, hair thinning, mood swings, and tunnel vision. Sleep is alright and sometimes I have an over active bladder. Appetite is better but I eat smaller portions. Overall I feel like I am improving but sometimes I have bad days. I think with more time my numbers will start to bounce back to optimal ranges. Let me know what you guys think.

Regarding high RT3, I recently dislocated my knee cap taking some garbage out. So my body was under a lot of stress and pain.

TPO, I was told I am one of those people who have the antibodies and just to monitor my thyroid as time goes on. No worries. TSH, T3 and T4 have shown to be fine in previous tests.
Congratulations! If I may, did you stop cold turkey?
Congratulations! If I may, did you stop cold turkey?

I will try Tudca thank you for the advise.

@Mr S , thanks man! I first went from 40mg a week total of Cypionate to around 20mg total a week which was broken up. So I did 20mg M and Th, then Tuesday Friday... an basically I did that with the taper dose 10 and 10mg after that. In between transition I want to say I spread it out around 2 months.

I also was running HCG of 350iu three times a week. Once I was just about tapered off the Cypionate I continued the HCG for about a month and a half.. then my last week I was taking 25mg of Clomid EOD with the HCG. Once I made that transition, I was taking Clomid 25mg EOD for around 2-3 months. Last month I started tapering off that as well to what felt comfortable. I want to say I went from 25mg every two days to three days then 10mg in the same sequence to nothing.

While I was doing that I was on a keto diet for about 3 months and fasting. I only supplemented with children’s vitamins (flint stone my favorite) which I felt was just enough to keep my body from being malnourished.

Overall it was a struggle but I survived and anxiety was getting the best of me. I am quite happy where I am at now. Sex life is normal for a 4-5 year relationship. And I still have my urges to beat one off once and a while, which means my libido is just fine. No ED what so ever with the whole crazy cycle I went through. My only complaint was the frequent urination. I think this was a combination of anxiety and very low estradiol. What doomed me was the heavy doses of Arimadex, I strongly advise to stay away from A.I unless you are prone to estrogen sides and show it in labs. Even then I would take nibbles on this stuff. But still I will never touch this stuff with a 10 foot poll. It took me 2-3 years to recover... legit. Read all my threads if you ever have time.
I think with more time my numbers will start to bounce back to optimal ranges. Let me know what you guys think.

I think your expectations are unrealistic, I have never seen anyone with abnormally low Free T (6.3 pg/mL) increase to the optimal ranges naturally, it's a fantasy in my opinion and seems more like a failure to accept the reality of your situation, but shows determination is strong.

Low testosterone and low estrogen is not an ideal environment for bones, joints and the healing process relating to your knee injury.
I think your expectations are unrealistic, I have never seen anyone with abnormally low Free T (6.3 pg/mL) increase to the optimal ranges naturally, it's a fantasy in my opinion and seems more like a failure to accept the reality of your situation, but shows determination is strong.

Low testosterone and low estrogen is not an ideal environment for bones, joints and the healing process relating to your knee injury.

Only reason why I will not accept it yet is because I am still young, just turned 30. I want to give it a little bit of time before I resort to TRT again.

I believe as long as I sleep well, eat healthy, lower stresses, exercise and practice mindfulness meditation I may be able to bump my T naturally. Also include supplements which help natural T levels to increase.
Maybe I missed it but I did not see your complete thyroid panel. TSH free T4 free T3 reverse T3 and both antibodies. I believe by looking at your antibodies that you have hashimoto's disease. My two cents is, take care of your thyroid first then consider testosterone or clomid.
Maybe I missed it but I did not see your complete thyroid panel. TSH free T4 free T3 reverse T3 and both antibodies. I believe by looking at your antibodies that you have hashimoto's disease. My two cents is, take care of your thyroid first then consider testosterone or clomid.

My doctor in the past has done a full thyroid panel and my RT3 was in normal ranges a few months ago. But my TPO has been hovering around 200 without change. My doctor explained that some people have the antibodies and others don’t without any adverse effects. He basically is continuing to monitor it looking closely at my TSH.
I am attaching my Thyroid Antibodies from November showing TPO is elevated but TG is normal. I thought with Individuals who have Hashimoto’s have both these Antibodies elevated?

What does it mean when TPO is abnormal but TG is normal?

Well time to go Gluten free again lol.


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I am attaching my Thyroid Antibodies from November showing TPO is elevated but TG is normal. I thought with Individuals who have Hashimoto’s have both these Antibodies elevated?

What does it mean when TPO is abnormal but TG is normal?

Well time to go Gluten free again lol.
So what do you have hashimoto's or Graves?
So what do you have hashimoto's or Graves?

I’m not sure lol, I haven’t got to that point yet. I have to schedule an appointment with my endocrinologist. If anything maybe Hashimoto’s, but a Gluten free diet should address it.

My BP is normal, and my weight has been stable, and core body temp is normal. I sleep ok, meaning I get a full 8 hours. I am definitely not constipated.

Only thing I have noticed is my hair has thinned out (and loss), eyes in the morning seem puffy, and I have tunnel vision. I am very tired around 3pm. I feel like i’m losing my mind sometimes and very forgetful.
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I’m not sure lol, I haven’t got to that point yet. I have to schedule an appointment with my endocrinologist. If anything maybe Hashimoto’s, but a Gluten free diet should address it.

My BP is normal, and my weight has been stable, and core body temp is normal. I sleep ok, meaning I get a full 8 hours.

Only thing I have noticed is my hair has thinned out (and loss), eyes in the morning seem puffy, and I have tunnel vision. I am very tired around 3pm. I feel like i’m losing my mind sometimes and very forgetful.
If you have hashimoto's or Graves, you will have it for the rest of your life. Something you will have to deal with. When someone get an autoimmune disease, the odds are they will get another one.
If you have hashimoto's or Graves, you will have it for the rest of your life. Something you will have to deal with. When someone get an autoimmune disease, the odds are they will get another one.

I just don’t think I have an auto immune this moment. But I can go to an Endocrinologist, get some additional testing done. Then maybe go to an ENT. And if I do have an autoimmune disease, from the research I have done, a gluten free diet should put it in remission.

I definitely have the TPO antibodies... but my other antibodies are normal. So I guess the question is, will my elevated TPO over time damage my thyroid? Or have I had this antibody since I was a kid and it is normal?
I just don’t think I have an auto immune this moment. But I can go to an Endocrinologist, get some additional testing done. Then maybe go to an ENT. And if I do have an autoimmune disease, from the research I have done, a gluten free diet should put it in remission.

I definitely have the TPO antibodies... but my other antibodies are normal. So I guess the question is, will my elevated TPO over time damage my thyroid? Or have I had this antibody since I was a kid and it is normal?
Something is causing it to be abnormal, if it was me I would just dig deeper and find out what the issue is.
Something is causing it to be abnormal, if it was me I would just dig deeper and find out what the issue is.

Yeah true it is definitely something to get looked at. Just I have had several doctors in the past look at the numbers and they did not seem too concerned.

They can ultrasound, MRI, CT, and probably more tests before a biopsy is done. And all of that will be a lot of money even with insurance. And with insurance, I am sure they will want other thyroid values to be abnormal before they approve such tests. But that is a guess.
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Yeah true it is definitely something to get looked at. Just I have had several doctors in the past look at the numbers and they did not seem too concerned.

They can ultrasound, MRI, CT, and probably more tests before a biopsy is done. And all of that will be a lot of money even with insurance. And with insurance, I am sure they will want other thyroid values to be abnormal before they approve such tests. But that is a guess.
Just for information purposes, there is a Stop The Thyroid Madness’ FB group
Testing Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) Level
Since Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder (where your immune system attacks healthy body tissue), this blood test may be recommended. TPO measures the level of thyroid peroxidase antibodies. If you have those antibodies in your blood, it suggests that the immune system has attacked the thyroid. However, about 5-10% of healthy people test positive for TPO antibodies, so the presence of these antibodies doesn’t always indicate that you have an autoimmune disorder.

Graves’ Disease Diagnosis

So going back to what I was saying, my TG and TSI is normal. I just have elevated TPO. When I started testing my TPO values I fear saw them at 190, but now they have increased to 213. I will continue to monitor.


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I am attaching my Thyroid Antibodies from November showing TPO is elevated but TG is normal. I thought with Individuals who have Hashimoto’s have both these Antibodies elevated?

What does it mean when TPO is abnormal but TG is normal?

Hashi's does not require elevation in both antibodies. You could be in a Hashi's stage where antibodies are starting to create trouble, but actual hormone levels have not yet been affected. Would probably be good to track Free T3 and Free T4 on an ongoing basis. If they start dropping it's pretty likely Hashis with TPO that high.

Hashimoto's Disease And TPO Antibodies - Dr. Izabella Wentz

Edit: And it seems you have already noted that elevated TPO antibodies can also be associated with Graves disease.
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Hashi's does not require elevation in both antibodies. You could be in a Hashi's stage where antibodies are starting to create trouble, but actual hormone levels have not yet been affected. Would probably be good to track Free T3 and Free T4 on an ongoing basis. If they start dropping it's pretty likely Hashis with TPO that high.

Hashimoto's Disease And TPO Antibodies - Dr. Izabella Wentz
I've seen what hashimoto's and Graves disease does to people. Doctors are so ill inform on proper treatment. You really have to be your own health advocate.
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