I have a history of knee problems. Most from running and skiing, but some now from age. I will go a few days with little or no pain, than out of nowhere have it hurt on what I would call a 8 on a ten point scale. Yesterday and last night was one of those days. I walked less than two miles yesterday and it was my day off at the gym so none of that was the cause. Today, it is at a 5, and I went to the gym anyway but did only upper body. No treadmill, no weight leg workouts, or stair climber. I feel it was half a workout. What exercises are out there to strengthen knee joints.
I will return to the orthopedic next week and have it checked out, but last time I had to have knee surgery (my second) and he is already talking knee replacement which I want to put off as long as I can. Not sure how many times they can do surgery on a knee.
I will return to the orthopedic next week and have it checked out, but last time I had to have knee surgery (my second) and he is already talking knee replacement which I want to put off as long as I can. Not sure how many times they can do surgery on a knee.