For users of trimix, if you are or have been I"in a relationship how did you handle using this?
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Long or short relationships?
I have been in both long and short term relationships while using trimix... I tell them right up front, but I use it to my advantage by letting them know that we can indulge in pleasures of the flesh for as long as they would like...This peaks their interest to know more about it and they actually understand if they aren't shallow...
Have you had different reactions as far as age ranges of women?
Many men even think it's nuts to inject into yourself never mind women.
I would think many women would think they are not good enough to get you aroused.
Open communication is the key here. I believe being up front, where there is no suggestion of it being anything other than your body's physical issue, should be enough to put a woman's mind at ease.
Women do talk a lot, all her girlfriends will know that you use trimix. But I know we all must have thick (rhino) skin.