New Member
I got some bloodpanel i hope to get some input on.
I have hashimoto's but not sure if it primarly the lack of t3 or low test that makes me feel total supressed.
I also have herpes simplex and pelvic pain syndrome.
the symptoms are:
Very easily stressed
poor sleep
lack of sexual desire
poor recovery after workouts
dont burn fat (carry around belly only)
flat emosionally most of the time.
As far as i understand i need more t3 because i dont convert good enough.
The supplements i take and have taken for 1,5 year has helped alot,here is a list:
omega-3 fish oil
flaxseed oil (i alternate between these oils every other day)
Hi potency b-complex
k2 as mk-7
5000iu d3
1000mg c-vit
added for 10 days ago:
iron bisglycinate
super selenium complex 100mcg
himalaya livercare
Have developed a ton of food intolerance the last two years,what i eat now and works good is:
lot of different vegetables,much of it everyday,white and sweet potatoes,red meat and boiled cod.
no processed,no gluten,dairy or grains,neither chicken or eggs because of reactions all of a sudden.
i have supplemented with iodine for awhile but stopped as it swelled throat even more.
i have a meeting with a endo very soon hopefully,but i dont think testosterone treatment will be a topic because im above the levels,i hope he can atleast give me prescription on ndt.
well here are the bloodpanel:
p-alat (10-70) is 27U/L
p-gamma gt (10-80) is 18U/L
p-alp (alk fos) (35-105)
b-hemoglobin (13,4-17) is 15,8g/dl
b-hematocrit (0,40-0,50) is 0,46 part of one.
b-erytrocytter (4,2-5,7) is 5,3 (10E12L)
b-mcv (82-98) is 85fl
b-mch (27-33) is 30pg
b-leukocytter (3,5-11) is 6,7 (10E9/L)
b-nøytrofile gran (1,5-7) is 3,27 (10E9/L)
b-lymfocytter (0,8-3,7) is 2,54 (10E9/L)
b-monocytter (0,2-0,8) is 0,41 (10E9/L) High
b-eosinofile gran (0,0-0,4) is 0,12 (10E9/L) High
b-basofile gran (0,0-0,1) is 0,02 (10E9/L) High
b-trombocytter (145-390) is 212 (10E9/L)
p-iron (9-34) is 20umol/L
p-transferrin (2-3,3) is 2,9g/L
p-tibc (49-83) is 73umol/L
p-ferritin (30-400) is 208ug/L
s-kobalamin (vit b12) (180-670) is 370pmol/L
s-free tyroxine 88-21) is 21pmol/L
s-tsh (thyrotropin) (0,5-3,6) is 4,71mU/L
s-free trijodtyroni (3,1-6,2) is 4,8pmol/L Should be higher?
s-progesteron (max 3) is 0,4nmol/L
s-estradiol (max 0,20) is 0,08nmol/L
total testosterone (6-35) is 16,5nmol/L
free testosterone(2,3-9,9) is 5nmol/L
shbg (8-60) is 33nmol/L
cortisol (101-536) is 279nmol/L
thyreoperoxidase (max 6) is 884U/ml
natrium (137-145) is 141mmol/L
kalium (3,6-4,7) is 3,9mmol/L
calsium total (2,15-2,51) is 2,46mmol/L
chlor (98-110) is 100mmol/L
bilirubin (5-25) is 21umol/L
ldl cholesterol (83,3-6,9) is 4,6mmol/L
hdl cholesterol (0,8-2,1) is 1,49mmol/L
uric acid (230-480) is 327umol/L
psa (0-2,5) is 1ug/L
protein total (62-78) is 75g/L
karbamid (urea) (3,2-8,1) is 6,5mmol/L
kreatinin (60-105) is 91umol/L
eGFR (kreatinin) (max 80) is 90ml/min/1,7 3m2. (High protein diet??,have halfed protein intake to 100 grams a day after this bloods)
I have been told to test reverse t3 before trying ndt,iron i have already started supplementing with as i said.
Hope for some input on what you think and on those high values please.
I have hashimoto's but not sure if it primarly the lack of t3 or low test that makes me feel total supressed.
I also have herpes simplex and pelvic pain syndrome.
the symptoms are:
Very easily stressed
poor sleep
lack of sexual desire
poor recovery after workouts
dont burn fat (carry around belly only)
flat emosionally most of the time.
As far as i understand i need more t3 because i dont convert good enough.
The supplements i take and have taken for 1,5 year has helped alot,here is a list:
omega-3 fish oil
flaxseed oil (i alternate between these oils every other day)
Hi potency b-complex
k2 as mk-7
5000iu d3
1000mg c-vit
added for 10 days ago:
iron bisglycinate
super selenium complex 100mcg
himalaya livercare
Have developed a ton of food intolerance the last two years,what i eat now and works good is:
lot of different vegetables,much of it everyday,white and sweet potatoes,red meat and boiled cod.
no processed,no gluten,dairy or grains,neither chicken or eggs because of reactions all of a sudden.
i have supplemented with iodine for awhile but stopped as it swelled throat even more.
i have a meeting with a endo very soon hopefully,but i dont think testosterone treatment will be a topic because im above the levels,i hope he can atleast give me prescription on ndt.
well here are the bloodpanel:
p-alat (10-70) is 27U/L
p-gamma gt (10-80) is 18U/L
p-alp (alk fos) (35-105)
b-hemoglobin (13,4-17) is 15,8g/dl
b-hematocrit (0,40-0,50) is 0,46 part of one.
b-erytrocytter (4,2-5,7) is 5,3 (10E12L)
b-mcv (82-98) is 85fl
b-mch (27-33) is 30pg
b-leukocytter (3,5-11) is 6,7 (10E9/L)
b-nøytrofile gran (1,5-7) is 3,27 (10E9/L)
b-lymfocytter (0,8-3,7) is 2,54 (10E9/L)
b-monocytter (0,2-0,8) is 0,41 (10E9/L) High
b-eosinofile gran (0,0-0,4) is 0,12 (10E9/L) High
b-basofile gran (0,0-0,1) is 0,02 (10E9/L) High
b-trombocytter (145-390) is 212 (10E9/L)
p-iron (9-34) is 20umol/L
p-transferrin (2-3,3) is 2,9g/L
p-tibc (49-83) is 73umol/L
p-ferritin (30-400) is 208ug/L
s-kobalamin (vit b12) (180-670) is 370pmol/L
s-free tyroxine 88-21) is 21pmol/L
s-tsh (thyrotropin) (0,5-3,6) is 4,71mU/L
s-free trijodtyroni (3,1-6,2) is 4,8pmol/L Should be higher?
s-progesteron (max 3) is 0,4nmol/L
s-estradiol (max 0,20) is 0,08nmol/L
total testosterone (6-35) is 16,5nmol/L
free testosterone(2,3-9,9) is 5nmol/L
shbg (8-60) is 33nmol/L
cortisol (101-536) is 279nmol/L
thyreoperoxidase (max 6) is 884U/ml
natrium (137-145) is 141mmol/L
kalium (3,6-4,7) is 3,9mmol/L
calsium total (2,15-2,51) is 2,46mmol/L
chlor (98-110) is 100mmol/L
bilirubin (5-25) is 21umol/L
ldl cholesterol (83,3-6,9) is 4,6mmol/L
hdl cholesterol (0,8-2,1) is 1,49mmol/L
uric acid (230-480) is 327umol/L
psa (0-2,5) is 1ug/L
protein total (62-78) is 75g/L
karbamid (urea) (3,2-8,1) is 6,5mmol/L
kreatinin (60-105) is 91umol/L
eGFR (kreatinin) (max 80) is 90ml/min/1,7 3m2. (High protein diet??,have halfed protein intake to 100 grams a day after this bloods)
I have been told to test reverse t3 before trying ndt,iron i have already started supplementing with as i said.
Hope for some input on what you think and on those high values please.