Three weeksi nto TRT

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I'm scheduled to have my first follow up blood work on March 14th (pellet insertion was January 17th). What should the doctor be screening for? The doctor has only (3) items listed;

1. Estradiol LC
3.Testosterone, Free and total CPT

I was expecting more comprehensive, since I have been experiencing a few side effects; fluid retention, puffy ankles, itchy nipples, sleeplessness.

Does the test profile appear correct?

Thank you very much for your help
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
These are the minimum tests you need if you are paying for them and do not a lot of cash (you will quickly see people telling you that you need more but I am only listing the ones that are bare minimum)

•Initial Blood Test – New Patient
–Testosterone, Free & Total
- Estradiol (ultrasensitive)

•6wk Follow up – 6wks after initial RX
–Testosterone, Free & Total
–Estradiol (ultrasensitive)

•6 Month Follow up – 6 months after initial RX
–Testosterone, Free & Total
–Estradiol (ultrasensitive)

•Annual Blood Test – Same as 6 months
You want to make 100% sure that your Doctor tests you Estrogen levels and make sure you tell the Doc you want the "Sensitive" assay designed for men.

What you described in your symptoms could very well be elevated Estrogen levels.
what is the target / optimum range for estogen level? Thanks for all your advice. Doc requested an untrsensitive estogen level blood draw
what is the target / optimum range for estogen level? Thanks for all your advice. Doc requested an untrsensitive estogen level blood draw

Generally speaking many men feel good in the 25 pg/ml range; that being said, there are others who feel really good in the 30's and even 40's for that matter.

You don't want to drop below 20 and over 40 for the most part.
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