Hello,I'm from Poland i'm 24 years old, for over a year , I'm trying to diagnose what 's wrong with me . My blood test results is T: 15.05 nmol / l ( 7,57-31,4 ) , FT : 18ng / l ( 8,8-27 ) , LH : 4.43 mIU / ml , FSH : 1.93 mIU / ml , E2: 120 pmol / l , SHBG 29.7 nmol / l , cortisol 26.59 g / dl h . (7-10 am 6.2-19.4 2.3-11.9 0.4 - 8pm ) 395.1 PRL uIU / ml 86-324 . My doctor he put me on CLOMID , we LH , FSH has increased about fourfold , but my testosterone did not increase . I stated that this is nonsense , I started TRT 100 mg 2 x 250 ui + Aromasin , My testosterone was approximately 1200 ng / dL e2 about 30 and any of effects , maybe I did not have such a depression. I was hoping the hair on my body grow , but without effect. No androgenic alopecia , I lipomastie or gynecomastia , tendency to gain weight . I returned to my doctor I told him everything I have said that, probably androgen receptor repeat polymorphism . My father also is bald on the body , no androgenetic alopecia , depression . Doctor ordered to set aside all the drugs and brac clomid for 2 months , and investigate fertility . He told me that he would try to treat . He told me that if I have money , I have to do genetic research on this illness . Now my question is , is it treatable ? What are the prognosis ? How looks the treatment?