I am a 75 year old male. Originally diagnosed in 2011 and given a robotic prostatectomy, my cancer returned in 2016 and was treated with 40 radiation bouts and two 3 month worth shots of Lupron. The latter killed all my testosterone and it never returned to its previous level. With Low Testosterone (129), I incurred a compression fracture in my spine, a kyphoplasty healing the break. At this point Testosterone Replacement has been recommended and I was given "the Testosterone challenge" (a shot of Testosterone followed by blood work 2 1/2 weeks later. My Testosterone was 1750! My PSA remained undetectable and my doctor is recommending I begin Testosterone Replacement. I was warned that Low Testosterone is a precursor to diabetes, osteoporosis and severe cardiac events. However, cardiac issues can also occur with an increase in red blood cells as a result of T replacement. I am reluctant to begin the daily lifelong regimen that using Androgel requires for multiple reasons. Is anyone else on this forum grappling with similar issues? I would appreciate dialoguing with other men facing the challenges involved in beginning T replacement.