This is not really testosterone related, but maybe it will be helpful for folks administering subcutaneous shots. I receive allergy shots a couple times a month, and they always administer subcutaneously with an insulin syringe, in the upper arm at the tricep. Immediately after the injection, I feel a subtle "electric" sensation that goes down my arm, and I feel mild cramping or muscle tension throughout my arm for an hour or so afterwards. I asked the doctor today if they might actually be going into the muscle, and she seemed to think that was very unlikely. However, could it be that this is not a good site for subcutaneous shots in relatively athletic/lean men, and that they are accidentally giving me intramuscular shots?
This is not really testosterone related, but maybe it will be helpful for folks administering subcutaneous shots. I receive allergy shots a couple times a month, and they always administer subcutaneously with an insulin syringe, in the upper arm at the tricep. Immediately after the injection, I feel a subtle "electric" sensation that goes down my arm, and I feel mild cramping or muscle tension throughout my arm for an hour or so afterwards. I asked the doctor today if they might actually be going into the muscle, and she seemed to think that was very unlikely. However, could it be that this is not a good site for subcutaneous shots in relatively athletic/lean men, and that they are accidentally giving me intramuscular shots?