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Sildenafil 25 mg ODT þ Collagenase Clostridium hystoliticum vs Collagenase Clostridium hystoliticum Alone for the Management of Peyronie’s Disease: A Matched-Pair Comparison Analysis
Although surgical management remains the gold standard for patients with dense plaque calcification or disabling ED, CCH now provides an effective minimally invasive treatment option for men with PD with a palpable plaque and penile curvature deformity of at least 30 at the start of therapy. In this observational, matched-pair comparison between S25 b.i.d. þ CCH vs CCH alone, we demonstrated that combination therapy was superior than CCH alone in terms of penile curvature and ED improvement. Further studies and larger randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm these preliminary observations.
Although surgical management remains the gold standard for patients with dense plaque calcification or disabling ED, CCH now provides an effective minimally invasive treatment option for men with PD with a palpable plaque and penile curvature deformity of at least 30 at the start of therapy. In this observational, matched-pair comparison between S25 b.i.d. þ CCH vs CCH alone, we demonstrated that combination therapy was superior than CCH alone in terms of penile curvature and ED improvement. Further studies and larger randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm these preliminary observations.
[email protected] 25 mg ODT þ Collagenase Clostridium hystoliticum vs.pdf231.6 KB · Views: 130