Thirty men between the ages of 30 and 65, all heterosexual, with an average relationship duration of 13 years and four months, participated in a study published in the "Journal of Sex Research" (March/April, 2017) that was designed to investigate what factors could "elicit and inhibit men's sexual desire." Semi-structured interviews were conducted. The three most integral themes presented in the article (regardless of age or relationship duration) that spoke to a feeling of sexual desire were:
The three primary themes that participants identified as having a strong, negative impact on sexual desire were:
The authors claim this supports the contention that sexual desire in men is more relational than many believe.
- Feeling Desired by Their Partner
- Exciting and Unexpected Sexual Encounters
- Intimate Communication
The three primary themes that participants identified as having a strong, negative impact on sexual desire were:
- Rejection
- Physical Ailments and Negative Health Considerations
- Lack of Emotional Connection With Their Partner
The authors claim this supports the contention that sexual desire in men is more relational than many believe.