Hello everyone. I wanted to mention a supplement that I believe is truly a huge jump in our overall wellness and health. And can have direct effects on this like cardiovascular health, brain function, chronic illnesses and ED. And this is the encouragement and the supplementation of Nitric Oxide. And I am not talking about Viagra.
Please read and watch Dr. Nathan Bryan a pioneer in this work. There is so much that can help with your health here. There are many N1O1 supplements on the market and none of them work. So you must use his formulation. This is all backed up by very strong science. The reason Viagra isn't a very good solution is because N1O1 needs to be produced naturally in the body for Viagra and other vaso dialators to work. If there is no Nitric Oxide the Viagra will not work, in fact it only works in 40% of the cases. Having very poor performance over time. Also for the prevention of Alzheimers and other dementia patients. They found a strong correlation between ED and later having Alzheimers. It is the canary in the coal mine. The early warning that you are not getting oxygen to the brain allowing Ameloyd Plaqs to form.
The solution is relatively simple even without supplementation. Avoid blue light, dark green leafy vegetables are a natural source of Nitric Oxide, and eliminate flouride in your toothpaste and water, and eliminate mouthwash which kills the Nitric Oxide forming bacteria in your mouth. And allow a lot of sunlight on your skin.
Finally if you want supplementation do not use other supplements this is the only one that actually works at delivering the N1O1 to your system via a lozenge.
They sell all kinds of other stuff with N1O1 in it. But I have only used the lozenges
Has anyone else tried it?
Please read and watch Dr. Nathan Bryan a pioneer in this work. There is so much that can help with your health here. There are many N1O1 supplements on the market and none of them work. So you must use his formulation. This is all backed up by very strong science. The reason Viagra isn't a very good solution is because N1O1 needs to be produced naturally in the body for Viagra and other vaso dialators to work. If there is no Nitric Oxide the Viagra will not work, in fact it only works in 40% of the cases. Having very poor performance over time. Also for the prevention of Alzheimers and other dementia patients. They found a strong correlation between ED and later having Alzheimers. It is the canary in the coal mine. The early warning that you are not getting oxygen to the brain allowing Ameloyd Plaqs to form.
The solution is relatively simple even without supplementation. Avoid blue light, dark green leafy vegetables are a natural source of Nitric Oxide, and eliminate flouride in your toothpaste and water, and eliminate mouthwash which kills the Nitric Oxide forming bacteria in your mouth. And allow a lot of sunlight on your skin.
Finally if you want supplementation do not use other supplements this is the only one that actually works at delivering the N1O1 to your system via a lozenge.

Boost Your Wellness & Vitality with Pneuma Nitric Oxide | N1o1
Discover the power of Pneuma Nitric Oxide supplements & skincare. Enhance your wellness and vitality with innovative products at N1o1.

They sell all kinds of other stuff with N1O1 in it. But I have only used the lozenges
Has anyone else tried it?