President Trump is taking one tab of hydroxychloroquine and zinc per day.

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Tony Dco

New Member
Wow. If you watch Fox News at night, you will hear from doctors all over the world successfully using hydroxy and zinc, even severe cases.

"Every patient I've prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free," said Los Angeles doctor Dr. Anthony Cardillo, adding "So clinically I am seeing a resolution."

Cardillo, CEO of Mend Urgent Care, says that the drug must be used in conjunction with Zinc, as the hdroxycholoroquine opens a 'channel' for the mineral to enter cells and prevent the virus from replicating.

I wonder how many doctors who hate Trump would rather their patients die before using what Trump suggested?

Russia is also using hydroxy with zinc as treatment.

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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
There is not one “real” official study that states it does anything for Corona. In addition, it has been shown to cause heart issues, including arrest in some of the people in these studies.

Keep in mind Trump says things all the time that are later proven to be false. Anything for a headline.
There is a doctor in France who just released a study with almost 1,000 patients who said it was extremely effective. Watch Laura Ingraham on Fox at night. Almost every night see interviews doctors who use it and love it.

From all the doctors I've heard, chloroquine at high doses caused heart issues. A doctor who treated Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis patients for 40 years never had a patient with a heart incident. If I was hospitalized, I would demand Hydroxy and zinc, and if I had secondary bacterial infection, ad Z-pak. Imo, vast majority of deaths are from not using hydroxy and zinc, and improper use of ventilators that are damaging lung tissues.

VD3 levels above 30ng/dl work similar to hydroxy. I've been about 60ng for years.
It is way beyond anecdotal that it works. It is being used at the Mayo clinic and there are already studies and white paper's proving it's effectiveness. I agree with Nelson, Trump has seen preliminary data. That is very typical for him to release information and prove himself right after the media shows it's ass. Medicine should not be politicized. Should be between the doctor and their patient. Not some media moron referencing a study that was never completed in China but still uses the results as the end all on the topic.
Trump's a morbidly obese old guy on stains with an awful diet who believe exercise is bad for you.

No reason I can see to take hjs medical advice.
It's not his advice.... Don't look away from it in spite of him recommending it or saying it could be a game changer. Dr. Stephen Smith from the Mayo Clinic on March 31st said if it would be taken serious and in mass it was the beginning of the end for Covid-19. In his interview he personally had treated hundreds of patients and in 100% of his patients he saw massive improvements, most within hours. He did say it is much more effective given early. That's a doctor and organization I would listen too and take medical advice from. I've been there when nobody else could help me...
Trump's a morbidly obese old guy on stains with an awful diet who believe exercise is bad for you.

No reason I can see to take hjs medical advice.
You'd think there could be some refuge from the usual blind hatred oozing forth daily from the media. He's running the country, not offering medical advice. His BMI last year was 30.4, "just above the average for U.S. men over the age of 60 (29.2)"[1]. Morbidly obese is categorized as BMI over 35. He's old? Give me a break.
You'd think there could be some refuge from the usual blind hatred oozing forth daily from the media. He's running the country, not offering medical advice. His BMI last year was 30.4, "just above the average for U.S. men over the age of 60 (29.2)"[1]. Morbidly obese is categorized as BMI over 35. He's old? Give me a break.
But Pelsoi said he was so he has to be... I find it hard to believe somebody with average intelligence and a tiny amount of common sense can't seek out and find the truth on HCQ. But most are sheep and educate themselves not only on fake news/opinions papers but actually just headlines alone...
A Dr. Writing about his experience is not the same as a double blind randomized “real” study.
You're right but not in the way you think. I'll go with the Doctor every time when the "real" study is designed to fail by using an early stage drug at a late stage or omitting a necessary component like Zinc or not comparing equivalent patients, as all the "real studies" I have seen have done. Basic risk/reward and decades of experience says HCQ is a very safe drug (much safer than Statins for example). The president taking the drug gives patients a much stronger case to demand it so kudos to him.
You're right but not in the way you think. I'll go with the Doctor every time when the "real" study is designed to fail by using an early stage drug at a late stage or omitting a necessary component like Zinc or not comparing equivalent patients, as all the "real studies" I have seen have done. Basic risk/reward and decades of experience says HCQ is a very safe drug (much safer than Statins for example). The president taking the drug gives patients a much stronger case to demand it so kudos to him.
So in this case a doctor writing about his or her experience treating hundreds to thousands of patients is much more valuable. Especially from doctors who have the correct motivations, their patients. Not political, financial or any other motivation...
A girl friend of mine, her older father is really sick. Resting pulse rate of 150, fever, stomach, cough. Goes to hospital and tested positive for Covid just 2 days ago. They put him on antibiotics and that was it.

Apparently, patients don't even get hydroxychloroquine unless they are on a ventilator?? This makes no sense to me. This hospital is not even getting Zinc and Vitamin D levels up. Not to mention that there has already been research for 3g of Vitamin C, IV every 6hrs. Hospital won't do that either.

My suggestion is to absolutely under no circumstances to go to the hospital. The protocols they are using seem to gear you more in the direction of death rather than life.
A Dr. Writing about his experience is not the same as a double blind randomized “real” study.

>>I Watch Laura Ingraham on Fox at night.

Never mind. That explains everything.
He's not writing about his experience. He's writing about the experiences of people who had this virus and took this medication and it cured them. So if you get the virus, do not take this medicine. Don't be a hypocrite.
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