Oral Lipid Matrix testosterone tabs

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My doctor has me in oral lipid matrix (provides a first pass by-pass of the liver) testosterone tablets to raise my testosterone. I get them from a compounding pharmacy in Colorado that has a patent on this particular delivery system. I called the pharmacy and they said the testosterone had a half life of 8 hours. Has anybody heard of this kind of testosterone? Or gotten results from this kind oral delivery?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Welcome to Excelmale. Testosterone undecanoate has been available here in Canada in an oral formulation for some time. It is sold under the name, Andriol. It has a short half-life, and studies have shown it can lead to supraphysiologic levels of dihydrotestosterone (Journal of Andrology). Absorption issues, a big issue, and multiple dosing to counter the half-life challenge, means most of the country's leading TRT practitioners reject it as a treatment method.
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Don't walk, but RUN from that TRT provider. There is a reason that the top TRT providers are NOT using that form of Testosterone.

You could try the oral T and test your total/free testosterone and liver enzymes. You would have to take it at least 2 times per day.
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Clouds, injecting twice a week is very simple and I believe is the best route to go. As long as you don't have a problem with needles. I learn how to inject by watching youtube videos. I've never had a doctor or anyone else show me.
LPCN 1021 is a twice daily oral product candidate of testosterone (T) prodrug, Testosterone Undecanoate (TU), that is being evaluated as a replacement therapy in males for conditions associated with a deficiency or absense of endogenous testosterone.
LPCN 1021 was studied in a 52-week pivotal Phase 3 clinical study known as the Study of Oral Androgen Replacement (SOAR). There were three dosing options: 150 mg BID, 225 mg BID and 300 mg BID. The target label for LPCN 1021 is consistent with the TRT class label for other approved products.
Compliance rates of currently approved TRT therapies are as follows:3

In a recent survey of 28 leading endocrinologists and urologists4, 94% responded that they believed an oral TRT will improve patient compliance.
Survey question:
In your opinion, will oral testosterone improve patient compliance compared to existing options?

1 IMS Health, 2013
2 Archives of Internal Medicine, 2008
3 FDA Advisory Committee Meeting September 17, 2014
4 Lipocine Internal Study, 2014
LPCN 1021 is a twice daily oral product candidate of testosterone (T) prodrug, Testosterone Undecanoate (TU), that is being evaluated as a replacement therapy in males for conditions associated with a deficiency or absense of endogenous testosterone.
LPCN 1021 was studied in a 52-week pivotal Phase 3 clinical study known as the Study of Oral Androgen Replacement (SOAR). There were three dosing options: 150 mg BID, 225 mg BID and 300 mg BID. The target label for LPCN 1021 is consistent with the TRT class label for other approved products.
Compliance rates of currently approved TRT therapies are as follows:3

In a recent survey of 28 leading endocrinologists and urologists4, 94% responded that they believed an oral TRT will improve patient compliance.
Survey question:
In your opinion, will oral testosterone improve patient compliance compared to existing options?

1 IMS Health, 2013
2 Archives of Internal Medicine, 2008
3 FDA Advisory Committee Meeting September 17, 2014
4 Lipocine Internal Study, 2014

Testosterone undecanoate has been available here in Canada in an oral formulation for some time. It is sold under the name, Andriol. None of the doctors or pharmacists I have spoken with have kind words to say about it. Yes, it is an oral formulation, but frequent daily dosing seems to become less attractive over time. On top of that, and more importantly, the four doctors I spoke with have never seen it produce serum levels that equal injections or trans-dermals (when the trans-dermal is successful). Not a good option.
Thanks for everyone's comments. I was hoping to respond with more data, e.g. 1) with some pharmacology info on the lipid matrix testosterone I am currently taking (150 mg testosterone a day using Belmar Pharmacy's belmarpharmacy.com proprietary BLA lipid matrix delivery), but after 9 days and a couple of phone calls to Belmare, I am wondering if they will be sending me anything. They said they did not have much material, but I asked for what they had regarding absorption rates, half life, type of testosterone, etc. After 2 weeks on 150 mg per day, I am just not feeling much benefit. I am 53 years old and have been extremely active running, lifting, sprinting, etc., but I hit a wall with energy and libido, along with continuous injuries about 3 years ago. I have never cared for needles, but if it will help me with energy and recovery, I figure I can suck it up. 2) I had an appt with another doctor scheduled for today (recommendation from a friend very satisfied with his self-injection protocol), but the doctor had a heart attack (he's ok thankfully), but my appt is moved out a month, so I continue with my current oral protocol. Thanks Nelson, I have started breaking the tabs in half and taking twice a day. It has eliminated the initial "out of breath" feeling of taking the whole dosage at once in the morning. I have been on escalating dosages for the past 6 months now as my doctor attempts to find the right dosage for me (makes me feel like a guinea pig :(), but I have not found keeping up with the tabs any trouble at all, so I can see why compliance may be higher with tabs.
One more question regarding blood tests. If I take my testosterone tabs at 7:30 am and 3:30 pm, and I take the blood test the following morning before my first dose, won't my blood test results always result in lower Bio and Free T #s, because of the short half life?
I feel obligated to provide an update on the lipid matrix tab since I started this string. After upping the dosage to 150 mg daily tabs for several weeks and seeing and feeling no results, after getting no credible response on efficacy or pharmacology from the pharmacy, and after losing faith in my current doctor, I went to a more knowledgeable doctor and started .5 cc Cypionate twice a week injections, with anastrozole, and .5 cc HCG twice a week. I feel great! I am seeing some muscularity and fat reduction that the lipid matrix just did not provide. I am surprised how easy the self injections are. I won't go back to the tabs.
I feel obligated to provide an update on the lipid matrix tab since I started this string. After upping the dosage to 150 mg daily tabs for several weeks and seeing and feeling no results, after getting no credible response on efficacy or pharmacology from the pharmacy, and after losing faith in my current doctor, I went to a more knowledgeable doctor and started .5 cc Cypionate twice a week injections, with anastrozole, and .5 cc HCG twice a week. I feel great! I am seeing some muscularity and fat reduction that the lipid matrix just did not provide. I am surprised how easy the self injections are. I won't go back to the tabs.

I'm glad to know you sorted out your protocol. Keep us posted. All the best.
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I feel obligated to provide an update on the lipid matrix tab since I started this string. After upping the dosage to 150 mg daily tabs for several weeks and seeing and feeling no results, after getting no credible response on efficacy or pharmacology from the pharmacy, and after losing faith in my current doctor, I went to a more knowledgeable doctor and started .5 cc Cypionate twice a week injections, with anastrozole, and .5 cc HCG twice a week. I feel great! I am seeing some muscularity and fat reduction that the lipid matrix just did not provide. I am surprised how easy the self injections are. I won't go back to the tabs.

What is the MG/ML of the tet Cyp? .5cc of 100mg/ml is very different than .5cc of 200mg/ml
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