O.K. now my E2 is high ugh

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Hi Guys,
I ran my own trt without bloods for years, not knowing what I was doing. After speaking to a trt Dr. I went the medical route. He had me come off test for 2 weeks prior to doing initial blood work. I had low T(obviously) and my e2 was at 5.
Currently been about 4-5 weeks using 150mgs/week split into 2x's with hcg 250 iu's the day of T shot, and no A.I. although he prescribed me .5 anatrozole the day after my first shot. After doing some reading and getting some feedback here, I didn't use the anastrozole figuring it was a bad idea with my e2 being so low.
I just got my sensitive e2 labs back from Discounted labs and I came back at 34 with the range being 8-35.
It's my understanding that 22 is the ideal number. And also assuming it's going to continue to rise a bit more. Should I begin the A.I.?
It's dosed at .5 and it's in a capsule so I can't cut it in half and dose it properly.
My original dose from him was 200mgs/week of T but I wanted to start at 150 and see how it went.
Should I try to mix it with 1ml of Vodka and use 1/2 the ml 2 x's/wk
Long story short, my sex drive is terrible, even with Cialis, and a very low discharge when ejaculationg, both alot better in the past also when doing this myself( without Cialis) but I was running 250/week with one shot and no a.i.
I'm feeling a bit run down and get some headaches, but that could be Cialis also.
I'm going in for bloodwork at the six week mark, but would appriciate any and all advice as I come to learn alot from the board.
Thank You very much
Also for what it's worth I'm 47 y.o. with a history of AAS use, but currently in good shape and not much bodyfat, I eat healthy and work out 3-5 times a week with weight training.
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An E2 of 22 is only "ideal" for a certain narrow range of Total T and your 34 may be fine depending upon your Total and Free T levels?

Also, do you have any overt high E2 symptoms such as puffy, painful or itchy nips?
An E2 of 22 is only "ideal" for a certain narrow range of Total T and your 34 may be fine depending upon your Total and Free T levels?

Also, do you have any overt high E2 symptoms such as puffy, painful or itchy nips?
Thanks for the reply, I don't have any issues with nips, but have run high doses of test when using AAS and never had any issues either, no gyno, no sensitivty ect. The main outward problems I'm having is lack of libido and a small ejacuation, but those were also present with my e2 being 5. If anything my libido is improved but only slightly and thats with test,hcg and Cialis. When using 250mgs week, I was a non stop hard on. I can't imagine a drop in 100mgs a week would hammer my sex drive so much.
Also I'm concerned my e2 may continue to rise being as I'm 4-5 weeks in on trt.
So when you were on 250 mg per week of T and using no AI you had a strong libido, or at least better than at present? Without labs from back then it is guesswork, but it would seem logical that you would have had both higher total T (obviously) but also a higher E2 then vs now as well.

Also, many of us are finding that small daily doses of HCG work better than a twice weekly dose. That is all anecdotal, of course.
There is no such thing as an "ideal number" when it comes to measuring estradiol. I feel good when my e2 is anywhere from 25 to 38. I attribute,that to the fact that my total testosterone may vary a bit as well. My doctor and I reject any hard and fast rules when it comes to estradiol management. That means not getting caught in the "my e2 has to be in the 20-30 range no matter what" trap. If my testosterone is higher, my estradiol can ride higher. Symptoms, informed by labs, help in the process. You may be in need of Anastrozole, depressed libido certainly raises the possibility. What is your total testoterone? What are your doctor's thoughts on estradiol management?
There is no such thing as an "ideal number" when it comes to measuring estradiol. I feel good when my e2 is anywhere from 25 to 38. I attribute,that to the fact that my total testosterone may vary a bit as well. My doctor and I reject any hard and fast rules when it comes to estradiol management. That means not getting caught in the "my e2 has to be in the 20-30 range no matter what" trap. If my testosterone is higher, my estradiol can ride higher. Symptoms, informed by labs, help in the process. You may be in need of Anastrozole, depressed libido certainly raises the possibility. What is your total testoterone? What are your doctor's thoughts on estradiol management?
I'm going in for bloodwork in a week or two which will be at the 6 week mark, so I'll know where I stand with Test levels. My Dr. wanted me on .5mgs of Anastrozol right from the start, but I opted to wait being as e2 was 5, so I climbed up pretty quickly on e.
I'm trying to manage things on my own, but under a Dr's care....If that makes any sense lol
His initial plan was Hcg at 250 iu's Mon and Thurs, 100mgs Test Tues and Fri, and .5 anastrozole Wednesday.
I was really hoping to get by without an ai by splitting my shot.
Unfortunatly my libido issues were terrible at a low e2, but didnt get much better as I went upwards, which is why Im at a loss here.

Pieces of your TRT puzzle are missing here. Just because your sensitive E2 came in at 34, it doesn't mean that it is high. It would have been really helpful if you had drawn blood for Total and Free Test levels. That way we could have looked at your current TE ratio, and been much better informed about your current state.

If I were you, I would lay off the AI until you get your next set of labs in a week or two. Being that your E2 started in the tank, it may be stable now at 34, with your total test at who knows what.

You aren't having any overt symptoms of high E2, so your low libido could very well be indicative of low E2. Again...we don't know for sure because you didn't get your total test drawn.
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