Nightmare experience With New Endo

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I don't need to lament the failings that have plagued the medical establishment we have all around us today so I won't begin by complaining about it.

I will tell you that protocols I have learned from this very forum got me the most unbelievable treatment today, I posted a scathing yelp review on this "Doctor"...

I came to this forum with a few problems, The people here are deep into this stuff so I trust the info but, I also expect I need to be responsible so I've checked into it and found out that yes, this is a good idea.

Protocol #1. Split your injections up into twice weekly rather then one big jack once a week. This helps to stabilize hormone levels in the blood and reduce aromatization. The aromatization was indeed the issue that led me to making the shift to twice weekly rather then once weekly.

When I discussed this with the endo, he flipped out. I mean apoplectic... Child like. I'm going to cut and paste this yelp review, although you might find it a bit harsh, I felt pretty pissed off.

Let me explain a tad in advance.

When I mentioned my splitting the injections twice a week, he insisted this was bad for me. He then asked what my primary thought of this. I told him I'm here to see you because she believes Testosterone causes cardio vascular disease. He co-signed it! He seriously co-signed that statement.

WHAT! That was the original reason I was placed on TRT but I had a litany of symptoms which is why I asked to be tested years ago. Now the new doctrine is it will kill you when you get old. He stated as you age. Testosterone causes heart disease and blood clots. He sighted I had polycythemia which I immediately told him I've been donating blood from day one when I started, every 8 weeks. He shook his head and actually closed my file and pushed away from the exam table and crossed his arms. That was after he was turning his face away from me when I was talking to him.

So I hit him with this question which so check mated him, it fell off a cliff from there.

Me asking this doctor the following question:

"Ok Doctor, answer me this. If Testosterone is so deadly, how is it when you are young and your hormones EXPLODE, age 15 through 25 you are running the highest levels of Testosterone you can possibly have, why aren't you dropping dead of heart attacks and blood clots?"

No answer. He told me I could turn on the TV and see law suits for this on any channel.

I told him I don't watch TV, TV is for idiots. By then I was getting a tad annoyed.

I said: " Look doc, you have my blood work in front of you, do I look like I am at risk of cardio vascular disease? He reluctantly said no, then I said "Do you know what my HDL to Triglyceride ratio is?" I then stated 2. He said that was good but I was wrong. I told him I do cardio exercise 5 times weekly and lift weights three times a week.

I won't bore you with more then that. You can glean the rest from the YELP review I left them. I called them and told them to read it.

Yelp Review
I wish I had a video recorder. Childish behavior might be a reasonable description, but I'm no sociologist. Then again, when the Doctor, closes your file, pushes himself away from you across the room and crosses his arms, I suspect, he is using the maximum body language of, "I'm not listening to you and I and shutting you out".

That's exactly what he did. Why you might ask? Well, if you go to a doctor and ask a question, they usually seem pretty good at answering, that is the relationship they feel most comfortable with. In my case, I was asked some questions and my answers put him into a tail spin.

For instance.

Question by Doctor: "Why are you taking this medication?"

Answer from patient: "I was prescribed this medication when I inquired about my symptoms many years ago. Ive been using it and have found a good level and method that works for me. I do XX and take XYZ XX times a week. I've been taking this medication for many years now as described"

Doctor: "I can't agree with that, It's not supposed to be like that"

Patient: "Doctor, I do this to avoid the issues associated with the method you are suggesting. Am I not correct in what I've said?"

Doctor: "Yes but I can't agree"

Patient: "But look at my blood work, you have all my data right in front of you, Am I at risk?"

By this point, he was already shutting me out rather then discussing my treatment. He agreed my blood work was fine and agreed no issues but was so firm in rejecting everything I was saying, I finally asked him, to please explain something... It was a rhetorical question. In other words, I knew he couldn't answer because he was wrong and I wasn't asking him to argue, I was asking him to postulate why the point he had taken was so perfectly correct.

He became highly agitated, and insisted I was wrong and he had by this time shut me down from even discussing my treatment as his position was in total opposition. Even though many other doctors whom I've used over the years were not having any issues with the protocol, Doctor Damiani literally pushed away from the table after closing my file and crossed his arms.

This doctor is incompetent in so far as he has zero ability to digest data. He is going to prescribe you, if your lucky, the crap the sales guys walk in and tell him to prescribe. Forget having an intelligent discourse and using any of your own knowledge in his office.

I'm not simply bad mouthing this Doctor, I'm warning you, don't expect to get a good doctor to give you good treatment if his name is Damiani You will get his way or the highway. Turns out, some guys just don't like reading after they get that diploma and leave the concept of learning behind them at graduation. The title is all they need, You are a meme. Don't expect your own understanding of your body, your condition, your treatments and any research you have done to be allowed into the conversation. I wasn't allowed to have even the slightest discussion once he found anything that wasn't automatically agreeable.

I've learned you need to use your own mind to find solutions. No doctor is that smart. Once you find ways to get yourself the best treatment, you should always make it known to your doctor what is working and what isn't.

Doctor Damiani has no room for intelligent patients.

Go somewhere else. This place is a mill house for Fat Sick and stupid people. At least that was what I gathered from the waiting room and his ridiculous behavior.

If this guy swore an oath to do no harm and protect his patients, I can attest, he gave not one iota about that as I left his office with him knowing I was going to need medications yet he allowed me to walk away.

Thanks for nothing Doctor Damiani, and to think, he billed my insurance company full for that BS.
In conclusion. You are far better off looking for a professional that will listen rather then close your file, push away from the table across the room and cross his arms with a scowl on his face.
End of Review.....

I've already been through this with my wife. She was in terrible condition, Yet the PA, not even the MD hardly looked at her and told her it's all normal and that's just the way it is for her age.

I set her up with an appointment with Dr Saya from Defy. It took 3 weeks cause they were backed up but soon after the consult, which I must mention was methodical and meticulous, intelligent and caring, she was prescribed 6 medications. We are into our 3rd week and she is doing much much better. I mean huge. I am so thankful for Defy and the good staff at Defy.

Obviously, I am next. I put my wife first and I'm hoping I can put it together for myself very soon.

Sorry for if this sounds like a venting, but honestly, I set aside my appointment with Defy because I had actually called this endo in advance and I vetted him with the questions I got off this website. I was given answers that were positive. Responses I accepted as truthful. Responses such as Yes we offer TRT, yes we offer arimidex to help control aromatization, yes we allow patients to inject themselves. Yes we share our bloodwork with our patients. I gave him a chance based on these answers in advance. I wasn't prepared for TRT will Kill you!

I never got to asking for the anything else, the disastrous first meeting was the worst I've ever had.
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Sometimes I wish we could bring hidden cameras for a reality show.

So, who will you see now? I am sure you won't put up with this anymore.
The doc is absolutely correct. Older men are dropping like flies from cardiovascular complications associated with TRT. It's just that he and practitioners like him are the CAUSE of high blood pressure.

"It doesn't work like that"
... Why be rational when it's in vogue these days for bureaucrats, when confronted with facts (like labs), to simply ignore them.

"Get your medical advice from TV commercials"
O.K. write me a referral to this jack-leg.

When we begin to realize that all of our institutions are disintegrating under the relentless abuse of corporate power perhaps we will unite under grass roots coalitions that protect our interests. Too bad AARP has sold out.

The power mongers may be going after your sidearms today and dismantling what's left of freedoms but soon they will no longer be preoccupied with dumbing-down the masses through propaganda. It will then not be long before their long arm of over-regulation crushes access to medicine that keeps men ft to think and to resist. That should be obvious.

All here may want to think about how their voices will or won't be included in the new health care model emerging from the ashes of the rapidly disintegrating one.
I want to point out I started this journey at least 11 years ago when flew out to see a specialist in Kansas. She was wonderful.
It was around that time the athletes were being hauled up in front of congress and the war on steroids was ramping up full throttle.

Everywhere I went, I was told either I was in La La land with my ideas, (actually literature and studies I would bring with me) or I was rejected not to dissimilarly as this one. Just not as animated.

I would say it's changing. Thankfully, places like this forum are helping to support that change.
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