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Hi everyone, here is my story (not to bore you or anything). 31 years old, started TRT 1.5 months ago after my general care doctor's PA asked me if I have ever been tested for Low T. I scored somewhere in the 200s on Total T (and I can't remember but they said my estrogen levels were fine) which my doctor wanted to monitor and retest a month later. However he did prescribe me Androderm 4mg Patches to begin. I went about 7 days before I started getting a bad skin reaction (itchy skin/redness/blisters) where I would put the patches. About 10 days later I went for a second opinion due to my mother being a nervous nurse, therefore I went to a urologist. He sent me for a test that afternoon and for some reason it came back at 74!!! He called me and basically told me I need to start TRT, so I came back a week later and was injected by the urologist with Test Enanthate because in his opinion, he felt Test E would be better than Test Cyp since I had an allergic reaction to androderm (he shot me in my glute, and it hurt like hell for 2-3 days). I went for bloodwork 10 days after that shot and now its day 17 since the shot and im going back next week for another consultation.

I do have some concerns, I hope to get cleared on here
1. He only order a test for my Total Testosterone, and I have been reading that he should be testing a lot more than only total testosterone.
2. He said most likely I would do a shot once every 2 weeks or possibly once every month (doesn't this seem quite long?)
3. I wanted to bring up HCG/Clomid questions, do you think I should, or leave it up to the doctor to decide?
4. I get the feeling he doesn't have many clients for TRT, and I was wondering if anyone could reccomend a group or network in the NY-Long Island area?

I thank you guys for the creation of this forum, and I welcome your suggestions

Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Welcome to Excelmale. You are not being well cared for. This link details the testing that should take place prior to and during a TRT protocol.

So many questions..are you dealing with primary or secondary hypogonaism? If you are dealing with secondary hypogonadism, a Clomid restart, given your age, should be considered. What medications/supplements are you taking? Have you used anabolic steroids in the past? Opiate pain medication? Head injury-concussion? You and your doctor are partners, you should feel free to raise any question with him/her when it comes to your treatment...and that includes HCG.

You certainly need another doctor. You deserve better.
Yeah im not sure at all in regards to primary or secondary hypogonaism...what does a clomid restart entail just out of curiosity. The only medications that I am on is an anti anxiety Clomipromine 50mg 1x a day and Prilosec 40mg 1x a day in the morning to combat heartburn i get from the Clomipromine.

As far as supplements, I take a Whey Protein supplement first thing in the morning with my Prilosec pill, and after my workout. I am thinking of adding a healthy carb supplement to take as well post workout.

I have never ever touched anabolic steroids/opiate pain medication.

No head injury-concussion ever.

Any ideas of doctors in the NY-Long Island area?
Yeah I might have to do that, I'm going to give my urologist one more shot (no pun intended) next week. I'm going to go with a lot of questions to see whether he can help or not.

Just out of curiosity what specialty type is best for this area of practice, Urologist, Endocrinologist, GCP??
I don't think it matters what kind of doctor it is. Just a doctor who specializes in trt and other patients feel he does a good job
So I just wanted to provide you guys an update. Went back to the Urologist today, seems my Test (10 days post 1st shot) was 802, before it was 291. I found out that the Urologist had injected 400mg of Test Enanthate, and that he wanted to continue me on this 1 shot a month at 400mg. I told him that I didn't feel comfortable with that and I thought that injections over a smaller amount of time would be better. So he agreed to do a shot every 2 weeks (300mg of Test E).

I found a specialist here in Long Island that works in TRT treatment and I plan on going to him for another opinion, because this urologist just didn't have the answers I was looking for. I had asked him what type of hypogonadism I had (primary,secondary,therciary) and he just said, you have something probably wrong with your Pituitary WTF doc?

It's extremely praying this next doctor really knows what he is talking about.
So I just wanted to provide you guys an update. Went back to the Urologist today, seems my Test (10 days post 1st shot) was 802, before it was 291. I found out that the Urologist had injected 400mg of Test Enanthate, and that he wanted to continue me on this 1 shot a month at 400mg. I told him that I didn't feel comfortable with that and I thought that injections over a smaller amount of time would be better. So he agreed to do a shot every 2 weeks (300mg of Test E).

I found a specialist here in Long Island that works in TRT treatment and I plan on going to him for another opinion, because this urologist just didn't have the answers I was looking for. I had asked him what type of hypogonadism I had (primary,secondary,therciary) and he just said, you have something probably wrong with your Pituitary WTF doc?

It's extremely praying this next doctor really knows what he is talking about.

It's sad, there are some doctors who are damn good at what they do, and they will research and learn the things they need improve on. Then there's fools with medical degrees, who know just about zero on the medications they prescribe, and the conditions of their patients. Gawd, I can only imagine where your serum levels were at by the 3rd day after that 400mg shot!! This is why clinics like Defy are kicking tail!
It's sad, there are some doctors who are damn good at what they do, and they will research and learn the things they need improve on. Then there's fools with medical degrees, who know just about zero on the medications they prescribe, and the conditions of their patients. Gawd, I can only imagine where your serum levels were at by the 3rd day after that 400mg shot!! This is why clinics like Defy are kicking tail!

Yeah like I said, im trying out another doctor who several people on forums has said knows what he's talking about. For now though, I guess i'll take my 400mg shot and at least feel better for the time being (which I definitely did for the first 8-10 days), but other than that I'm almost 100% sure im moving on from this urologist.
Just wanted to post an update. I am luckily seeing a new doctor who specializes in TRT. I am starting with T Cyp 200 1 shot per week and he also prescribed me anastrozol because I was having very sensitive nipples and they were growing (very scary). He told me to take 1 pill I believe of 1 MG on Anastrozol a day for 3 months and then to do blood work. Just checking with you guys, is that a typical dose of Anastrozole?(I might be spelling it wrong) 1 Pill every day for 3 months?

Just wanted to get your guys thoughts and thank you again for all the help!!
Just wanted to post an update. I am luckily seeing a new doctor who specializes in TRT. I am starting with T Cyp 200 1 shot per week and he also prescribed me anastrozol because I was having very sensitive nipples and they were growing (very scary). He told me to take 1 pill I believe of 1 MG on Anastrozol a day for 3 months and then to do blood work. Just checking with you guys, is that a typical dose of Anastrozole?(I might be spelling it wrong) 1 Pill every day for 3 months?

Just wanted to get your guys thoughts and thank you again for all the help!!

I think you'll see Anastrozole not being used, or if it is, it's a very low dose less then .25mg per week.
Just wanted to post an update. I am luckily seeing a new doctor who specializes in TRT. I am starting with T Cyp 200 1 shot per week and he also prescribed me anastrozol because I was having very sensitive nipples and they were growing (very scary). He told me to take 1 pill I believe of 1 MG on Anastrozol a day for 3 months and then to do blood work. Just checking with you guys, is that a typical dose of Anastrozole?(I might be spelling it wrong) 1 Pill every day for 3 months?

Just wanted to get your guys thoughts and thank you again for all the help!!

Sure, 1mg a day of Anastrozole is a routine dose if you're a woman and you are fighting breast cancer.

This doctor is a fool - inside of a week you will have no estradiol in your system and you'll feel like hell. I can't imagine what you might feel like at the end of three months. This may well qualify as the most absurd protocol I have seen here at Excelmale. He did this on the basis of sensitive nipples? Did he test your estradiol via the sensitive lab test (LC, MS/MS)? What is your current testosterone level? Two hundred milligrams a week in a single shot - did he discuss splitting that dose into two, weekly injections of 100mg? Is he aware that single change may well balance your serum levels?

Please...find a doctor who understands TRT and doesn't make it up as he goes along.
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Well I thought this was the guy....guess I'm wrong again, at least he's better than the urologist I started with and his 400 shots of Text Eth once a month LOL, that probably led to the sore nipples. I have been taking it 3 days straight, so maybe I'll stop and go get another opinion or just like you said see what happens with the more proper 200 MG of Cyp. Also, he brought up going to a sperm bank to freeze my Sperm, which sounds like a good idea. I'm just wondering if I should be on HCG or something, my balls are definitely shrunk
So I found out that it's kinda a way to get around insurance by prescribing it in 1 MG, I'm going to completely stop it and ask my GC what I should take since they did my last blood work.

Any recommendations on shrinkage of the balls?
So I found out that it's kinda a way to get around insurance by prescribing it in 1 MG, I'm going to completely stop it and ask my GC what I should take since they did my last blood work.

Any recommendations on shrinkage of the balls?

Look, the physician you are seeing now is a menace to your health. He turned you loose with instructions to take a milligram of Anastrozole a day for 90 days. That is medical malpractice. Insurance or no insurance, you are putting your health at risk by staying with this practice.

Was HCG discussed with you? And future fertility? HCG should be an important part of every TRT protocol. It not only preserves testicular function, but back-fills important hormonal pathways. What bloodwork was ordered prior to the start of therapy?
HCG was never discussed with me. The specialist I saw was the first to bring me up to speed on fertility( urologist told me I would have to stay off TRT for a couple of months but should have no problems with fertility). The specialist told me to go to a sperm bank and freeze some sperm just as a precaution.

I'm going to my general care this week to discuss as he was going to start doing my TRT shots, he doesn't prescribe it out due to concerns of abuse and experiences with past patients he says.

Bloodwork I had T, Free T, FSH, LH, Estrogen checked so far multiple times.

I'm going to bring up the fertility issue and HCG issue as well.

The more I get into this the more I want to just stay off everything and live with low T, my experience so far has sucked at every turn
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