Thanks, Vince. And I will definitely look into
Defy Medical. See my other replies here for strategy going forward.
Thanks Systemlord. One of the reason I considered HCG at all was the potential for combining with TRT also as I have tried that alone before.
Thanks for the input Cataceous. Suppressing HPTA would be a big concern for me. I'll add to the background a bit now.
I started TRT 2017 (Test Cypionate,inj.,supervised by MD) as standalone previously because of concerns about sarcopenia, mainly beginning signs of weakness/restlessness in legs and also decreased libido. Before treatment: Total T=702 ng/dL, Free T=9.7pg/mL, SHBG=65.2 nmol/L.
After about 1-1/2+ years, T shot up over 1500, but adjusted by MD to stabilize at T=935, Free T=17.4, SHBG=50.8. Felt good (but in general, I always feel good), but workouts noticeably easier, more muscle definition, maybe less chronic back pain. Disappointingly, libido didn't change at all. (note: happy marriage-39 years, minimal stress in life). But I started becoming concerned about testicular atrophy. So, I stopped TRT. Didn't feel any crash effects or anything other than started losing some muscle definition, veins in my arms less pronounced.
Now-lab 3/13/2020: T=576, Free T=7, I didn't do SHBG this time, but suspect it will be proportionally like before. I maintain workouts as previous but no gains and moderately not as easy as on TRT.
Anyway, after reading your comments, I would consider starting TRT again but would hope that HCG would help with gonadal shrinkage. Should I even wait for a period of time and keep using just HCG or go ahead and combine with restarting T?