I’ve been on trt for 2 1/2 years now. I started with the old school 250mg of test once a week protocol, with .1mg anastrozole twice weekly. The honey moon was great, then joint pain and low estrogen rocked my world. Thanks to another site, I found Ed injections, and no anastrozole to get my numbers perfect. I’ve been running 20mg of test cypionate Ed for 2 years straight, and my numbers have been good. Unfortunately about a year ago I started having anxiety and no sleep. At my worst I went 5 nights with no sleep whatsoever. Thanks to ambien, I’m able to get sleep some nights. I don’t want to be on ambien forever, and I can’t live with the anxiety anymore. It’s to the point that I’m probably going to lose my job. I can’t go a day without anxiety anymore. I got carted out of work one day in an ambulance, because I had such a severe panic attack. On other sites it’s taboo to say trt causes anxiety and insomnia, and I got no help whatsoever. I never ever had anxiety whatsoever before starting trt. I should be clear and say that the anxiety and insomnia didn’t start suddenly, it creeped over time. It’s just been the last 6 months that have been the worst. I don’t want to lose my job, and I don’t want to experiment with my hormones anymore. Can anyone please help me with getting off trt, and maybe a timeline of how long it takes, and what to expect. My test levels were roughly 350 to begin with, and life wasn’t perfect, but at this point I’d give a million dollars to go back to life before trt. I know everyone hates newbies coming in and posting crap like this, but I could really use some help guys. I’ll dig up my last labs and post them. Thanks.