Hello every one. Want to thank Nelson for the creation of such a wonderful place, for men to enlighten one another. I appreciate Nelson if you ever come across this.
I am a long time lurker and started posting a few weeks ago because I started Genes stack to help control my BP, which it has helped. from 170's over 90's and above to 120-150's over 70's to 80's.
Since a kid I carried alot of bodyfat even though I worked out religiously. Played football and wrestled into college. Srong yes, but always above 28% bodyfat.
At 24 diagnosed with stage 4 cancer-Hodgekins non lymphoma. Mothers prayers and a great Doc got me through. I AM A CANCER SURVIVOR. Diagnosed diabtic at 37, when i peed all night long one night i knew something was wrong. lol.
Started TRT May 2017, started a true TRT protocol with a good doc in August 2017.
40 year old male
260lbs, down from 275lbs in August
test cyp 80mg M & TH
HCG 500iu M & TH
Arimidex .5mg M & TH
I also take per research 8g carlson fish oil every day
81mg aspirin 1Xday
200mg CoQ 1Xday
Multi vit 1Xday
Mag 2g
Vit C 1g
Genes stack
Test results from day one. Please give your thought. thank you in Advance.
4/1/17 -Pre-TRT
Sodium, Serum 139 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 4.3 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 101 mmol/L 96 - 106 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 16 Low mmol/L 18 - 29 01
Calcium, Serum 8.8 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol, Total 172 mg/dL 100 - 199 01
Triglycerides 283 High mg/dL 0 - 149 01
HDL Cholesterol 31 Low mg/dL >39 01
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 57 High mg/dL 5 - 40
LDL Cholesterol Calc 84 mg/dL 0 - 99
Hepatic Function Panel (7)
Protein, Total, Serum 7.6 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.5 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Bilirubin, Total 0.3 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Bilirubin, Direct 0.09 mg/dL 0.00 - 0.40 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 52 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 22 IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 32 IU/L 0 - 44 01
Testosterone,Free and Total
Testosterone, Serum 116 Low ng/dL 348 - 1197 01
Adult male reference interval is based on a population of lean males
up to 40 years old.
Free Testosterone(Direct) 11.3 pg/mL 6.8 - 21.5 01
FSH and LH
LH 7.0 mIU/mL 1.7 - 8.6 01
FSH 10.9 mIU/mL 1.5 - 12.4
Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S
T4,Free(Direct) 0.77 Low ng/dL 0.82 - 1.77 01
Cortisol 6.0 ug/dL 01
Cortisol AM 6.2 - 19.4
Cortisol PM 2.3 - 11.9
TSH 1.800 uIU/mL 0.450 - 4.500 01
ACTH, Plasma 43.6 pg/mL 7.2 - 63.3 01
ACTH reference interval for samples collected between 7 and 10 AM.
Prolactin 15.1 ng/mL 4.0 - 15.2 01
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I 127 ng/mL 75 - 216 02
Estradiol, Sensitive 84.4 High pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0 02
This test was developed and its performance characteristics
determined by LabCorp. It has not been cleared by the Food and
Drug Administration.
Methodology: Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 13 9 - 20
Sodium, Serum 137 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 4.2 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 97 mmol/L 96 - 106 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 20 mmol/L 18 - 29 01
Calcium, Serum 9.7 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Protein, Total, Serum 8.0 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.7 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Globulin, Total 3.3 g/dL 1.5 - 4.5
A/G Ratio 1.4 1.2 - 2.2
Bilirubin, Total 0.3 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 43 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 36 IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 43 IU/L 0 - 44 01
Urinalysis, Complete
Urinalysis Gross Exam 01
Specific Gravity 1.019 1.005 - 1.030 01
pH 6.5 5.0 - 7.5 01
Urine-Color Yellow Yellow 01
Appearance Clear Clear 01
WBC Esterase Negative Negative 01
Protein Negative Negative/Trace 01
Glucose Negative Negative 01
Ketones Negative Negative 01
Occult Blood Negative Negative 01
Bilirubin Negative Negative 01
Urobilinogen,Semi-Qn 0.2 EU/dL 0.2 - 1.0 01
Nitrite, Urine Negative Negative 01
Microscopic Examination
Microscopic follows if indicated. 01
Microscopic Examination
See below: 01
WBC 0-5 /hpf 0 - 5 01
RBC None seen /hpf 0 - 2 01
Epithelial Cells (non renal)
None seen /hpf 0 - 10 01
Mucus Threads Present Not Estab. 01
Bacteria None seen None seen/Few 01
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol, Total 216 High mg/dL 100 - 199 01
Triglycerides 170 High mg/dL 0 - 149 01
HDL Cholesterol 37 Low mg/dL >39 01
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 34 mg/dL 5 - 40
LDL Cholesterol Calc 145 High mg/dL 0 - 99
Microalb/Creat Ratio, Randm Ur
Creatinine, Urine 130.4 mg/dL Not Estab. 01
Microalbumin, Urine 28.5 ug/mL Not Estab. 01
Microalb/Creat Ratio 21.9 mg/g creat 0.0 - 30.0
Hemoglobin A1c
Hemoglobin A1c 7.4 High % 4.8 - 5.6 01
Please Note: 01
Pre-diabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
Diabetes: >6.4
Glycemic control for adults with diabetes: <7.0
Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S
T4,Free(Direct) 0.90 ng/dL 0.82 - 1.77 01
TSH 2.490 uIU/mL 0.450 - 4.500 01
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 26.6 Low ng/mL 30.0 - 100.0 01
Thyroid Antibodies
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab 25 IU/mL 0 - 34 01
Thyroglobulin Antibody <1.0 IU/mL 0.0 - 0.9 01
Estradiol, Serum, MS 33 pg/mL 02 Reference Range:Adult Males: 8.0 - 35- decreased from baseline
DHEA-Sulfate, Serum
DHEA-Sulfate, LCMS 198 ug/dL 02
Reference Range:
Adult Males (41 - 50y): 16 - 390
T3, Free, Dialysis, LC/MS-MS 3.29 pg/mL 02
Reference Range:
Range Mean
Children >10y
and Adults: 1.81 - 4.06 2.77
Pregnant Females:
First Trimester 1.6 - 3.3 2.5
Second Trimester To be determined
Third Trimester 1.0 - 3.2 2.1
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.9 ng/mL 0.0 - 4.0 01
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 789.4 ng/dL 264.0 - 916.0 03-Increased from baseline
2/1/18-New bloods
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 20 9 - 20
Sodium, Serum 138 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 4.6 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 100 mmol/L 96 - 106 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 23 mmol/L 18 - 29 01
Calcium, Serum 9.0 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Protein, Total, Serum 7.6 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.6 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Globulin, Total 3.0 g/dL 1.5 - 4.5
A/G Ratio 1.5 1.2 - 2.2
Bilirubin, Total 0.5 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 39 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 42 High IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 53 High IU/L 0 - 44 01
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol, Total 168 mg/dL 100 - 199 01
Triglycerides 103 mg/dL 0 - 149 01
HDL Cholesterol 30 Low mg/dL >39 01
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 21 mg/dL 5 - 40
LDL Cholesterol Calc 117 High mg/dL 0 - 99
Estradiol, LCMS, Endo Sci
Estradiol, Serum, MS 43 pg/mL 02- E2 increase but not crazy- do
Reference Range:
Adult Males: 8.0 - 35
DHEA-Sulfate, Serum
DHEA-Sulfate, LCMS 238 ug/dL 02
Reference Range:
Adult Males (41 - 50y): 16 - 390
Hemoglobin A1c
Hemoglobin A1c 6.3 High % 4.8 - 5.6 01- Decrease from baseline- started Keto in December 1/2017
Pre-diabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
Diabetes: >6.4
Glycemic control for adults with diabetes: <7.0
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.9 ng/mL 0.0 - 4.0 01
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 1038.4 High ng/dL 264.0 - 916.0 03
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 38.9 ng/mL 30.0 - 100.0 01
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 14.1 Low nmol/L 16.5 - 55.9 01
I am a long time lurker and started posting a few weeks ago because I started Genes stack to help control my BP, which it has helped. from 170's over 90's and above to 120-150's over 70's to 80's.
Since a kid I carried alot of bodyfat even though I worked out religiously. Played football and wrestled into college. Srong yes, but always above 28% bodyfat.
At 24 diagnosed with stage 4 cancer-Hodgekins non lymphoma. Mothers prayers and a great Doc got me through. I AM A CANCER SURVIVOR. Diagnosed diabtic at 37, when i peed all night long one night i knew something was wrong. lol.
Started TRT May 2017, started a true TRT protocol with a good doc in August 2017.
40 year old male
260lbs, down from 275lbs in August
test cyp 80mg M & TH
HCG 500iu M & TH
Arimidex .5mg M & TH
I also take per research 8g carlson fish oil every day
81mg aspirin 1Xday
200mg CoQ 1Xday
Multi vit 1Xday
Mag 2g
Vit C 1g
Genes stack
Test results from day one. Please give your thought. thank you in Advance.
4/1/17 -Pre-TRT
Sodium, Serum 139 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 4.3 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 101 mmol/L 96 - 106 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 16 Low mmol/L 18 - 29 01
Calcium, Serum 8.8 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol, Total 172 mg/dL 100 - 199 01
Triglycerides 283 High mg/dL 0 - 149 01
HDL Cholesterol 31 Low mg/dL >39 01
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 57 High mg/dL 5 - 40
LDL Cholesterol Calc 84 mg/dL 0 - 99
Hepatic Function Panel (7)
Protein, Total, Serum 7.6 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.5 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Bilirubin, Total 0.3 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Bilirubin, Direct 0.09 mg/dL 0.00 - 0.40 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 52 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 22 IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 32 IU/L 0 - 44 01
Testosterone,Free and Total
Testosterone, Serum 116 Low ng/dL 348 - 1197 01
Adult male reference interval is based on a population of lean males
up to 40 years old.
Free Testosterone(Direct) 11.3 pg/mL 6.8 - 21.5 01
FSH and LH
LH 7.0 mIU/mL 1.7 - 8.6 01
FSH 10.9 mIU/mL 1.5 - 12.4
Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S
T4,Free(Direct) 0.77 Low ng/dL 0.82 - 1.77 01
Cortisol 6.0 ug/dL 01
Cortisol AM 6.2 - 19.4
Cortisol PM 2.3 - 11.9
TSH 1.800 uIU/mL 0.450 - 4.500 01
ACTH, Plasma 43.6 pg/mL 7.2 - 63.3 01
ACTH reference interval for samples collected between 7 and 10 AM.
Prolactin 15.1 ng/mL 4.0 - 15.2 01
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I 127 ng/mL 75 - 216 02
Estradiol, Sensitive 84.4 High pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0 02
This test was developed and its performance characteristics
determined by LabCorp. It has not been cleared by the Food and
Drug Administration.
Methodology: Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 13 9 - 20
Sodium, Serum 137 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 4.2 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 97 mmol/L 96 - 106 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 20 mmol/L 18 - 29 01
Calcium, Serum 9.7 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Protein, Total, Serum 8.0 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.7 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Globulin, Total 3.3 g/dL 1.5 - 4.5
A/G Ratio 1.4 1.2 - 2.2
Bilirubin, Total 0.3 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 43 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 36 IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 43 IU/L 0 - 44 01
Urinalysis, Complete
Urinalysis Gross Exam 01
Specific Gravity 1.019 1.005 - 1.030 01
pH 6.5 5.0 - 7.5 01
Urine-Color Yellow Yellow 01
Appearance Clear Clear 01
WBC Esterase Negative Negative 01
Protein Negative Negative/Trace 01
Glucose Negative Negative 01
Ketones Negative Negative 01
Occult Blood Negative Negative 01
Bilirubin Negative Negative 01
Urobilinogen,Semi-Qn 0.2 EU/dL 0.2 - 1.0 01
Nitrite, Urine Negative Negative 01
Microscopic Examination
Microscopic follows if indicated. 01
Microscopic Examination
See below: 01
WBC 0-5 /hpf 0 - 5 01
RBC None seen /hpf 0 - 2 01
Epithelial Cells (non renal)
None seen /hpf 0 - 10 01
Mucus Threads Present Not Estab. 01
Bacteria None seen None seen/Few 01
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol, Total 216 High mg/dL 100 - 199 01
Triglycerides 170 High mg/dL 0 - 149 01
HDL Cholesterol 37 Low mg/dL >39 01
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 34 mg/dL 5 - 40
LDL Cholesterol Calc 145 High mg/dL 0 - 99
Microalb/Creat Ratio, Randm Ur
Creatinine, Urine 130.4 mg/dL Not Estab. 01
Microalbumin, Urine 28.5 ug/mL Not Estab. 01
Microalb/Creat Ratio 21.9 mg/g creat 0.0 - 30.0
Hemoglobin A1c
Hemoglobin A1c 7.4 High % 4.8 - 5.6 01
Please Note: 01
Pre-diabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
Diabetes: >6.4
Glycemic control for adults with diabetes: <7.0
Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, S
T4,Free(Direct) 0.90 ng/dL 0.82 - 1.77 01
TSH 2.490 uIU/mL 0.450 - 4.500 01
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 26.6 Low ng/mL 30.0 - 100.0 01
Thyroid Antibodies
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab 25 IU/mL 0 - 34 01
Thyroglobulin Antibody <1.0 IU/mL 0.0 - 0.9 01
Estradiol, Serum, MS 33 pg/mL 02 Reference Range:Adult Males: 8.0 - 35- decreased from baseline
DHEA-Sulfate, Serum
DHEA-Sulfate, LCMS 198 ug/dL 02
Reference Range:
Adult Males (41 - 50y): 16 - 390
T3, Free, Dialysis, LC/MS-MS 3.29 pg/mL 02
Reference Range:
Range Mean
Children >10y
and Adults: 1.81 - 4.06 2.77
Pregnant Females:
First Trimester 1.6 - 3.3 2.5
Second Trimester To be determined
Third Trimester 1.0 - 3.2 2.1
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.9 ng/mL 0.0 - 4.0 01
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 789.4 ng/dL 264.0 - 916.0 03-Increased from baseline
2/1/18-New bloods
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 20 9 - 20
Sodium, Serum 138 mmol/L 134 - 144 01
Potassium, Serum 4.6 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.2 01
Chloride, Serum 100 mmol/L 96 - 106 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 23 mmol/L 18 - 29 01
Calcium, Serum 9.0 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2 01
Protein, Total, Serum 7.6 g/dL 6.0 - 8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.6 g/dL 3.5 - 5.5 01
Globulin, Total 3.0 g/dL 1.5 - 4.5
A/G Ratio 1.5 1.2 - 2.2
Bilirubin, Total 0.5 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 39 IU/L 39 - 117 01
AST (SGOT) 42 High IU/L 0 - 40 01
ALT (SGPT) 53 High IU/L 0 - 44 01
Lipid Panel
Cholesterol, Total 168 mg/dL 100 - 199 01
Triglycerides 103 mg/dL 0 - 149 01
HDL Cholesterol 30 Low mg/dL >39 01
VLDL Cholesterol Cal 21 mg/dL 5 - 40
LDL Cholesterol Calc 117 High mg/dL 0 - 99
Estradiol, LCMS, Endo Sci
Estradiol, Serum, MS 43 pg/mL 02- E2 increase but not crazy- do
Reference Range:
Adult Males: 8.0 - 35
DHEA-Sulfate, Serum
DHEA-Sulfate, LCMS 238 ug/dL 02
Reference Range:
Adult Males (41 - 50y): 16 - 390
Hemoglobin A1c
Hemoglobin A1c 6.3 High % 4.8 - 5.6 01- Decrease from baseline- started Keto in December 1/2017
Pre-diabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
Diabetes: >6.4
Glycemic control for adults with diabetes: <7.0
Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 0.9 ng/mL 0.0 - 4.0 01
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 1038.4 High ng/dL 264.0 - 916.0 03
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 38.9 ng/mL 30.0 - 100.0 01
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 14.1 Low nmol/L 16.5 - 55.9 01