Need help to get shredded and improve protocol

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Looking for advice on how to shred the last 10lbs to get ripped. I’ve hit a wall and can’t seem to lose anymore weight, hovering around 196lbs, 6’ tall. Also seems very slow to gain muscle.

TRT Protocol:

T. Cyp 8mg-10mg Every Day, Mon-Fri
HCG (Pregnyl) 400 IU’s M, W, F
Weekends off

I work out 1 hour every morning, M-F and hit the gym hard with weights, switching up workouts and keeping the body guessing. My Fitbit says I burn 5-600 calories.

Mon: Chest/Tris

Tues: Legs

Wed: Back/Bis

Thurs: Delts

Fri: Legs

I consume about 2,200 calories with about 200g protein, 80g fat, 150g carbs.

Yohimbine HCI, 5mg
Preworkout drink (200 caffeine)

Libido comes and goes, I feel pretty exhausted regularly with also managing 3young kids. No issues with erections once I get there. I live a high stress life.

Any advice on supplements, diet, exercise, or TRT protocol to get shredded? I feel like I’m working my butt off and not getting any results. Definitely open to any supplements that are not going to hurt libido or erections.

Much appreciated!

Quest Labs attached.

Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
1) Get rid of the kids and the high stress life ;)
2) Monitor your macros and reduce calories progressively
3) Fasted cardio
4) Keto or carnivore diet
5) HGH, ECA, ... the typical bodybuilding cutting cycle stuff
Thank you for the tips! Please forgive my newbieness, but what are the “typical bodybuilding cutting” stuff to look into? Is HGG injecting or pills? Not familiar with ECA. I’m already at 2200 calories, I feel like death if I decrease anymore lol, but if that’s what it takes.
Thank you for the tips! Please forgive my newbieness, but what are the “typical bodybuilding cutting” stuff to look into? Is HGG injecting or pills? Not familiar with ECA. I’m already at 2200 calories, I feel like death if I decrease anymore lol, but if that’s what it takes.
Excelmale is not a bodybuilding forum....
Before (5) you should be able to get your diet adapted and protocolled your weight and fat loss depending on calorie intake, cardio etc. Seriously!

That's the link to my Thread 'Fat loss diet optimization ++' Fat loss diet optimization ++

There is no quick and easy way to get shredded.
Read about keto diet, that's what I'm doing currently.
Looking for advice on how to shred the last 10lbs to get ripped. I’ve hit a wall and can’t seem to lose anymore weight, hovering around 196lbs, 6’ tall. Also seems very slow to gain muscle.

TRT Protocol:

T. Cyp 8mg-10mg Every Day, Mon-Fri
HCG (Pregnyl) 400 IU’s M, W, F
Weekends off

I work out 1 hour every morning, M-F and hit the gym hard with weights, switching up workouts and keeping the body guessing. My Fitbit says I burn 5-600 calories.

Mon: Chest/Tris

Tues: Legs

Wed: Back/Bis

Thurs: Delts

Fri: Legs

I consume about 2,200 calories with about 200g protein, 80g fat, 150g carbs.

Yohimbine HCI, 5mg
Preworkout drink (200 caffeine)

Libido comes and goes, I feel pretty exhausted regularly with also managing 3young kids. No issues with erections once I get there. I live a high stress life.

Any advice on supplements, diet, exercise, or TRT protocol to get shredded? I feel like I’m working my butt off and not getting any results. Definitely open to any supplements that are not going to hurt libido or erections.

Much appreciated!

Quest Labs attached.

View attachment 46797
Several things:

- As Dr. Fung says, the Holy Grail of long-term sustainable fat loss is maintaining metabolic rate. Many of the people I know who've had long-term fat loss success use an undulating diet approach of underfeeding or total fasting two days per week, with higher calories the other days, so as to keep the body in a net state of abundance.
- I've seen people who are "ripped" and fairly healthy, but they are almost all in rural areas outside of the "1st world" countries and they do a lot of physical labor, far more than would be practical for most people in western countries. So...
- While there are more things you can do that are listed in another recent thread, I would start by asking why you think getting significantly leaner is possible )without drug use) or desirable unless you have visceral fat to lose which is necessary, but not the the same thing as being ultra-lean.
- I've also experienced and heard others say that being ultra-lean crushes libido and overall mood, so...
- The question is "where is there a drug-free population of people who are long-term ripped with high-energy, high-libido and overall great health?". As I pointed out in another recent thread, the people who tried long-term calorie restriction often ended up with serious issues. Note that fitness models "peak" for a photo shoot and are not necessarily ultra-lean year-round.
- FWIW, I have noticed that I am at my leanest when I do a lot of walking.
- You will look leaner just by adding abdominal muscle.
Several things:

- As Dr. Fung says, the Holy Grail of long-term sustainable fat loss is maintaining metabolic rate. Many of the people I know who've had long-term fat loss success use an undulating diet approach of underfeeding or total fasting two days per week, with higher calories the other days, so as to keep the body in a net state of abundance.
- I've seen people who are "ripped" and fairly healthy, but they are almost all in rural areas outside of the "1st world" countries and they do a lot of physical labor, far more than would be practical for most people in western countries. So...
- While there are more things you can do that are listed in another recent thread, I would start by asking why you think getting significantly leaner is possible )without drug use) or desirable unless you have visceral fat to lose which is necessary, but not the the same thing as being ultra-lean.
- I've also experienced and heard others say that being ultra-lean crushes libido and overall mood, so...
- The question is "where is there a drug-free population of people who are long-term ripped with high-energy, high-libido and overall great health?". As I pointed out in another recent thread, the people who tried long-term calorie restriction often ended up with serious issues. Note that fitness models "peak" for a photo shoot and are not necessarily ultra-lean year-round.
- FWIW, I have noticed that I am at my leanest when I do a lot of walking.
- You will look leaner just by adding abdominal muscle.
Great advice! Thank you for helping to bring me back to reality. I definitely do have more visceral body fat to lose, but the ultimate goal is to at least achieve “ripped” physique once in my life, but you’ve reminded me that is not sustainable. Sounds like I have some thinking to do as to what I’m seeking and more importantly, what’s realistic. I’ve never been physically fit before. I was 230lbs and now down to 196 and I’ve never felt so good. I had no idea how much fat was adding to inflammation, pain, and restricting my ability to move. I’m still not super fit or ripped by any means, but losing this weight has energized me to want to get lean.

I understand every person is a little different, but is there a sweet spot that is a realistic goal to aim for a sustainable body fat percentage for a 6’ male that is still healthy?
First of all, congratulations on your progress so far. You have done more than most people do even if you stay at your current stats which are similar to mine. A gratitude practice is important to maintain perspective and you have much to be grateful for already.

As far as body fat % goes, I am not a big fan of precise percentage goals since it can vary a lot from person to person and visceral fat is much more damaging that sub-cutaneous fat. Additionally, while I am not an expert in infections, I have heard of (thankfully rare) infections that cause people to lose a lot of body weight, and I would expect these could be fatal if one was ultra-lean and contracted such an infection.

Re-reading your original post. sometimes the best way to approach a goal is to go at it indirectly, which in your case could be to do other things you need to be doing, and then see where you end up. In your case, those other things likely include sprinting (which Mark Sisson once said was his the most effective "cutting" approach). sled pushing, getting your overall calorie intake higher by raising your metabolic rate combined with intermittent fasting, possibly some light gymnastic work, and basketball and or soccer if you have the opportunity. Focus on overall athleticism and then see where you are. Eliminate all high risk foods like seed oils and wheat. Read and heed The Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet. Supplement with TMG. Do all that and then see where you are. If you still have visceral fat, add in some longer fasts like a two day fast once a quarter and re-assess. At that point there are other things you can try like low-dose metformin, but start with the fundamentals. If you want sense of what's sustainable long-term for most people, look at pre-1955 physiques.
I'm pretty much in the same situation you are right now, and I'm doing 100mg weekly. I'm curious why you're injecting 5 days a week... so your weekly dose of TRT altogether is around 40-50mg?
At that high TT level, you gotta be carrying around a lot of water bloat. Lower dose and switch to Propionate. Made world of difference for me. There is a reason BBers like propionate during cutting phase.
Would someone please make suggestions on my macros and help me achieve my goal. This is a typical day of eating for me. The protein intake is around 130 Grams which I am targeting to bump up to 150 Grams. Rest remains more or less the same 5 days a week aside from a little weekend indulgence which usually consists of more protein.

I am 6ft3 117 Kg / 265 Lbs around 20% BF.

Current goal is body recomp, or to gain muscle loose BF. Workout schedule is weight training 5 days cardio 5-6 days a week.

Current macros / Day
Protein - 130 Grams (target is 150 grams)
Fat - 100 grams (saturated 35 grams)
Carbs - 350 grams
Calories - 2700-2800

Just finished a 12 week very low dose cycle - 100 mg deca 250 Mg Test every week with sprinkling of Dbol here and there. Currently on 2 month off. I will be on again after this detox.
Would someone please make suggestions on my macros and help me achieve my goal. This is a typical day of eating for me. The protein intake is around 130 Grams which I am targeting to bump up to 150 Grams. Rest remains more or less the same 5 days a week aside from a little weekend indulgence which usually consists of more protein.

I am 6ft3 117 Kg / 265 Lbs around 20% BF.

Current goal is body recomp, or to gain muscle loose BF. Workout schedule is weight training 5 days cardio 5-6 days a week.

Current macros / Day
Protein - 130 Grams (target is 150 grams)
Fat - 100 grams (saturated 35 grams)
Carbs - 350 grams
Calories - 2700-2800

Just finished a 12 week very low dose cycle - 100 mg deca 250 Mg Test every week with sprinkling of Dbol here and there. Currently on 2 month off. I will be on again after this detox.
More protein! Alot more protein. We can debate carb/fat ratio, but I think everyone will agree you are falling far short of where you need to be on protein.
Current goal is body recomp, or to gain muscle loose BF. Workout schedule is weight training 5 days cardio 5-6 days a week.
Change your goal. Realistic goal for recomp is lose fat while keeping as much muscle as you can. Then after you lose the fat don't get fat again as you add more muscle.

Step 1: lose fat, maintain muscle (hold FFMI, drop BF%)

Step 2: increase muscle mass while holding same BF% or close as you can (increase FFMI)

Helpful to understand FFMI and %BF as two separate but interrelated knobs in the optimization exercise. Androgens help improve your leverage as the body doesn't like to hold alot of muscle at low BF%.

Look up McDonald's Ketogenic Diet and UD2.0 books if you want some good reference material. On your current macros cut your carbs/increase protein, slightly increase kcal debit, etc, etc.
Last edited:
Which reminds me, what happened to Lyle McDonald? I thought I looked a while back and his site was gone.
First of all, congratulations on your progress so far. You have done more than most people do even if you stay at your current stats which are similar to mine. A gratitude practice is important to maintain perspective and you have much to be grateful for already.

As far as body fat % goes, I am not a big fan of precise percentage goals since it can vary a lot from person to person and visceral fat is much more damaging that sub-cutaneous fat. Additionally, while I am not an expert in infections, I have heard of (thankfully rare) infections that cause people to lose a lot of body weight, and I would expect these could be fatal if one was ultra-lean and contracted such an infection.

Re-reading your original post. sometimes the best way to approach a goal is to go at it indirectly, which in your case could be to do other things you need to be doing, and then see where you end up. In your case, those other things likely include sprinting (which Mark Sisson once said was his the most effective "cutting" approach). sled pushing, getting your overall calorie intake higher by raising your metabolic rate combined with intermittent fasting, possibly some light gymnastic work, and basketball and or soccer if you have the opportunity. Focus on overall athleticism and then see where you are. Eliminate all high risk foods like seed oils and wheat. Read and heed The Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet. Supplement with TMG. Do all that and then see where you are. If you still have visceral fat, add in some longer fasts like a two day fast once a quarter and re-assess. At that point there are other things you can try like low-dose metformin, but start with the fundamentals. If you want sense of what's sustainable long-term for most people, look at pre-1955 physiques.
Thanks again for giving me some perspective! I checked out some 1950’s and earlier physiques, still impressive achievements! I’m not really into sports or active in that way. It’s never really interested me, but I want to be in my top physical shape.
Would someone please make suggestions on my macros and help me achieve my goal. This is a typical day of eating for me. The protein intake is around 130 Grams which I am targeting to bump up to 150 Grams. Rest remains more or less the same 5 days a week aside from a little weekend indulgence which usually consists of more protein.

I am 6ft3 117 Kg / 265 Lbs around 20% BF.

Current goal is body recomp, or to gain muscle loose BF. Workout schedule is weight training 5 days cardio 5-6 days a week.

Current macros / Day
Protein - 130 Grams (target is 150 grams)
Fat - 100 grams (saturated 35 grams)
Carbs - 350 grams
Calories - 2700-2800

Just finished a 12 week very low dose cycle - 100 mg deca 250 Mg Test every week with sprinkling of Dbol here and there. Currently on 2 month off. I will be on again after this detox.

Would someone please make suggestions on my macros and help me achieve my goal. This is a typical day of eating for me. The protein intake is around 130 Grams which I am targeting to bump up to 150 Grams. Rest remains more or less the same 5 days a week aside from a little weekend indulgence which usually consists of more protein.

I am 6ft3 117 Kg / 265 Lbs around 20% BF.

Current goal is body recomp, or to gain muscle loose BF. Workout schedule is weight training 5 days cardio 5-6 days a week.

Current macros / Day
Protein - 130 Grams (target is 150 grams)
Fat - 100 grams (saturated 35 grams)
Carbs - 350 grams
Calories - 2700-2800

Just finished a 12 week very low dose cycle - 100 mg deca 250 Mg Test every week with sprinkling of Dbol here and there. Currently on 2 month off. I will be on again after this detox.
Just to put a comparison. My wife is 110lbs and eats 135-170 grams of protein per day.
I'm pretty much in the same situation you are right now, and I'm doing 100mg weekly. I'm curious why you're injecting 5 days a week... so your weekly dose of TRT altogether is around 40-50mg?
I was struggling with my protocol and @Systemlord recommended I try lowering my dose, that actually less is more. It worked and I felt wayyyy better on a lower dose. Specifically, I had increased libido, less hair loss, and no high estrogen symptoms. Of all the routines I’ve tried, the daily lower dose has me feeling the best. I just took labs yesterday, so curious to see where I’m at now on this lower dose.
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I was struggling with my protocol and @Systemlord recommended I try lowering my dose, that actually less is more. It worked and I felt wayyyy better on a lower dose. Specifically, I had increased libido, less hair loss, and no high estrogen symptoms. Of all the routines I’ve tried, the daily lower dose has me feeling the best. I just took labs yesterday, so curious to see where I’m at now on this lower dose.
What is your current daily dose? Still just 5 days a week? Still cyp? Tx
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