Will Brink
No matter where you stand on this issue, a topic worth exploration without pre existing bias. I have no doubts there are legit medical uses for various compounds found in Marijuana - some of which are only now being examined in any depth - and it needs to be funded and studies by the NIH and or other major university level labs. Current control status and stigma prevents most medical researchers from touching it, but that appears to be changing. For those interested, some worthwhile resources that may be of value.
The endocannabinoid system for example is a fast emerging area of research. Several compounds found in cannabis (Phytocannabinoids) directly impact this system. The best known of course is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most psychoactive of them. Others however appear to have direct effects and benefits, and having no psychoactive effects, such as cannabidiol (***) and cannabinol (CBN) which appear to have anti inflammatory and possible anti cancer effects. Various pharma companies are looking into compounds that target receptors in Endocannabinoid System and is an Emerging Target of Pharmacotherapy for a wide range of human diseases.
Info on the endocannabinoid system HERE
Possible studies of interest HERE
This vid series was well done I thought. These are anecdotal discussions with users and med/sci types, but more than compelling enough that we need to move forward with additional legit study and less agenda and bias in my view and separate the topic from those who just want to get stoned from those with legit medical need:
If in FL Doc and clinic I'm working with is now licensed for medical marijuana.
- Will @ www.BrinkZone.com
The endocannabinoid system for example is a fast emerging area of research. Several compounds found in cannabis (Phytocannabinoids) directly impact this system. The best known of course is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the most psychoactive of them. Others however appear to have direct effects and benefits, and having no psychoactive effects, such as cannabidiol (***) and cannabinol (CBN) which appear to have anti inflammatory and possible anti cancer effects. Various pharma companies are looking into compounds that target receptors in Endocannabinoid System and is an Emerging Target of Pharmacotherapy for a wide range of human diseases.
Info on the endocannabinoid system HERE
Possible studies of interest HERE
This vid series was well done I thought. These are anecdotal discussions with users and med/sci types, but more than compelling enough that we need to move forward with additional legit study and less agenda and bias in my view and separate the topic from those who just want to get stoned from those with legit medical need:
If in FL Doc and clinic I'm working with is now licensed for medical marijuana.
- Will @ www.BrinkZone.com
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