Testosterone 10.3 nmol/L reference range (8.3 - 30.2).
Estradiol 57 pmol/L reference range (50 - 150)
Progesterone 1.4 nmol/L reference range (1.2 - 4.8
I have fat on my chest and I have all the symptoms of low T and High Estrogen but my levels are really low. I can't figure it out.
I gather weight easily around my waistline and my chest. Anything sugary makes my man boobs worse. Especially bread.
No exercise in the world helps me lose weight.
My cortisol levels are: 403 nmol/L reference range (145 - 619)
Any clues what could be going on here?
What causes such low hormone results?
I'm 43. Male.
Estradiol 57 pmol/L reference range (50 - 150)
Progesterone 1.4 nmol/L reference range (1.2 - 4.8
I have fat on my chest and I have all the symptoms of low T and High Estrogen but my levels are really low. I can't figure it out.
I gather weight easily around my waistline and my chest. Anything sugary makes my man boobs worse. Especially bread.
No exercise in the world helps me lose weight.
My cortisol levels are: 403 nmol/L reference range (145 - 619)
Any clues what could be going on here?
What causes such low hormone results?
I'm 43. Male.