Hi I have recently been to see a urologist, on looking at my previous blood test he said most men do OK at test 14.1nmol/l...but when I said my SHBG was 46 and that my free T was very at 0.224pmol he did incline to agree and said he had treated men before at that level of free T, he also said that my LH and FSH were low at LH 3.5..FSH 4, and at that level he would suspect the use of something, I told I'd been off Test for 5 months, maybe that's why!, he said no it still should be higher than the current level, he is sending me for a mri scan for a pituitary tumour...my question to the group, is 3.5 lh low?.
P.s my e2 was 145nmol..top range was 146pmol.
P.s my e2 was 145nmol..top range was 146pmol.