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We report for the first time of terminal hair growth at the testosterone injection sites in two transmen. Patients’ readiness for masculinizing treatment was confirmed by therapist and they were appropriately consented/assented. 17y old Caucasian transmale receiving Depot-Lupron™ for pubertal suppression, was started on Depot-testosterone cypionate 50mg every two weeks, administered subcutaneously (SC) using 25G-needle. Testosterone was increased after 2.5 months to 40mg weekly and Lupron™ was discontinued. He injected exclusively lateral to the umbilicus and after 8 months two patches of coarse terminal hair were noted (Figure 1). Total and free testosterone troughs were appropriate for adult males: 495 ng/dL and 60.1 pg/mL, respectively. Another transmale (14.5 yr Mexican American), receiving Depot-testosterone cypionate 50mg weekly, also injecting solely lateral to the umbilicus, developed mild terminal hair and hyperpigmentation at injection sites. Recent publications of SC testosterone [1], or IM versus SC testosterone [2] didn’t describe localized hair growth, however it was noted in 4/5 postmenopausal cis-women receiving 10mg Depot-testosterone cyclopentylproprionate SC every 5-6 weeks [3]. This rare event may be avoided in transmales by injection-site rotation.