Hey guys looking for some input on my most recent labs. DHT is super high, and Hematocrit is really starting to creep. Im not on that high of a Testosterone dose (.7ml, thinking off going to .6ml and see if that helps) so no idea why DHT is so high? My back is breaking out and I feel like I'm loosing hair. I started TRT in June. Could HCG dose be too high and therefore causing elevated levels of DHT? Or is solely based on my testosterone dose? Thanks in advance!
Current regimine:
.7ml Testosterone ( Inject .35ml twice weekly, Monday AM and Thursday PM
500iu HCG twice weekly
Labs were drawn Thursday AM before my 2nd weekly injection
I don't take an AI, I have it though.
WBC 6.0 K/uL4.8 - 10.8 K/uL
RBC 5.50 M/uL4.70 - 6.10 M/uL
Hemoglobin 17.7 g/dL14.0 - 18.0 g/dL
Hematocrit 52.2 % 42.0 - 52.0 %H
MCV 94.9 fL81.4 - 97.8 fL
MCH 32.2 pg27.0 - 33.0 pg
MCHC 33.9 g/dL33.7 - 35.3 g/dL
RDW 43.4 fL35.9 - 50.0 fL
Platelet Count 207 K/uL164 - 446 K/uL
MPV 11.7 fL9.0 - 12.9 fL
Neutrophils-Polys 62.40 %44.00 - 72.00%
Lymphocytes 27.50 %22.00 - 41.00%
Monocytes 7.80 %0.00 - 13.40%
Eosinophils 1.30 %0.00 - 6.90%
Basophils 0.70 %0.00 - 1.80%
Immature Granulocytes 0.30 %0.00 - 0.90%
Nucleated RBC 0.00 /100 WBC/100 WBC
Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.73 K/uL1.82 - 7.42 K/uLIncludes immature neutrophils, if present.
Lymphs (Absolute)1.65 K/uL1.00 - 4.80 K/uL
Monos (Absolute) 0.47 K/uL0.00 - 0.85 K/uL
Eos (Absolute) 0.08 K/uL0.00 - 0.51 K/uL
Baso (Absolute) 0.04 K/uL0.00 - 0.12 K/uL
Immature Granulocytes (abs) 0.02 K/uL0.00 - 0.11 K/uL
NRBC (Absolute) 0.00 K/uLK/uL
Homocysteine 11.41 umol/L <11.00 umol/L
Vitamin D 38 ng/mL30 - 100 ng/mL
Dhea-S 240.9 ug/dL88.9 - 427.0 ug/dL
Estradiol-E2 30.0 pg/mLpg/mL
Testosterone,Total 896 ng/dL 300 - 1080 ng/dL
Sex Hormone Bind Globulin 26 nmol /L11 - 80 nmol/L
Free Testosterone 208 pg/m L47 - 244 pg/mL
Testosterone % Free 2.3 % 1.6 - 2.9 %
DHT 5-a-Dihydrotestosterone 1129.0 pg/mL 106.0 - 719.0 pg/mL
Current regimine:
.7ml Testosterone ( Inject .35ml twice weekly, Monday AM and Thursday PM
500iu HCG twice weekly
Labs were drawn Thursday AM before my 2nd weekly injection
I don't take an AI, I have it though.
WBC 6.0 K/uL4.8 - 10.8 K/uL
RBC 5.50 M/uL4.70 - 6.10 M/uL
Hemoglobin 17.7 g/dL14.0 - 18.0 g/dL
Hematocrit 52.2 % 42.0 - 52.0 %H
MCV 94.9 fL81.4 - 97.8 fL
MCH 32.2 pg27.0 - 33.0 pg
MCHC 33.9 g/dL33.7 - 35.3 g/dL
RDW 43.4 fL35.9 - 50.0 fL
Platelet Count 207 K/uL164 - 446 K/uL
MPV 11.7 fL9.0 - 12.9 fL
Neutrophils-Polys 62.40 %44.00 - 72.00%
Lymphocytes 27.50 %22.00 - 41.00%
Monocytes 7.80 %0.00 - 13.40%
Eosinophils 1.30 %0.00 - 6.90%
Basophils 0.70 %0.00 - 1.80%
Immature Granulocytes 0.30 %0.00 - 0.90%
Nucleated RBC 0.00 /100 WBC/100 WBC
Neutrophils (Absolute) 3.73 K/uL1.82 - 7.42 K/uLIncludes immature neutrophils, if present.
Lymphs (Absolute)1.65 K/uL1.00 - 4.80 K/uL
Monos (Absolute) 0.47 K/uL0.00 - 0.85 K/uL
Eos (Absolute) 0.08 K/uL0.00 - 0.51 K/uL
Baso (Absolute) 0.04 K/uL0.00 - 0.12 K/uL
Immature Granulocytes (abs) 0.02 K/uL0.00 - 0.11 K/uL
NRBC (Absolute) 0.00 K/uLK/uL
Homocysteine 11.41 umol/L <11.00 umol/L
Vitamin D 38 ng/mL30 - 100 ng/mL
Dhea-S 240.9 ug/dL88.9 - 427.0 ug/dL
Estradiol-E2 30.0 pg/mLpg/mL
Testosterone,Total 896 ng/dL 300 - 1080 ng/dL
Sex Hormone Bind Globulin 26 nmol /L11 - 80 nmol/L
Free Testosterone 208 pg/m L47 - 244 pg/mL
Testosterone % Free 2.3 % 1.6 - 2.9 %
DHT 5-a-Dihydrotestosterone 1129.0 pg/mL 106.0 - 719.0 pg/mL