I need some advice!

Ty Nordic

Finally got ALL my numbers. I have no idea what they mean, and neither does my Doctor (I live in a small town). The nearest city is Tulsa, and I can't get into an endocrinologist for 6 months! I'm 46 years old, and in excellent health, but training gets harder and harder every passing year, and my bf has gone from 7% to 13 % in the past 10 years. I'm eating better than ever, and training harder than ever, and I'm frustrated! With the following numbers in mind, can you tell me what I ned to do? My local Doc says he'll write the prescription for whatever I need, but I don't know what to tell him. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help and guidance! .

Total Test: 319 (250-1100)
Free Test: 36.9 (35-155)
Sex Hormone BG: 39 (10-50)

WBC: 4.3 (4.3-11)
RBC: 5.05 (4.44-5.67)
Hemoglobin: 14.9 (13.4-17.4)
Hematocrit: 43.4 (40.2-50.8)
MCV: 85.9 (82.5-98.5)
MCH: 29.5 (27.5-33.5)
MCHC: 34.3 (31.9-35.7)
RDW-CV: 11.9 (12.1-14.5) LOW
RDW-SD: 37.0 (38.3-49.1) LOW
Platelet count: 225 (156-367)
Mean Plt Volume: 10.1 (9.4-12.9)
Neutrophil ABS: 1.64: (1.8-7.8) LOW
Lymphocyte ABS: 2.15 (1.0-4.0)
Monocyte ABS: .3 (.2-.9)
Eosinophil ABS .13 (.00-.45)
Basophil ABS: .03 (.00-.20)

Glucose:91 (70-100)
BUN: 29 (5-23) HIGH
Creatine: 1.16 (.5-1.4)
Sodium:136 (135-145)
Potassium: 4.1 (3.5-5.5)
Chloride: 103: (96-108)
Bicarbonate:27 (18-30)
Anion Gap:6 (5-16)
Calcium: 9.5 (8.5-10.5)
Protein Total: 7.3 (6.6-8.2)
Albumin: 4.5 (4.1-5.0)
Bilirubin Total: 1.5 (.1-1.3) HIGH
Alk Phos: 64 (38-114)
AST (SGOT): 46 (17-59)
ALT (SGPT): 33 (0-60)

Cholesterol: 179 (100-200)
Triglyceride: 147 (30-150)
HDL: 43 (40-125)
LDL: 107 (0-130)
Chol/HDL Ratio: 4.16 (0-4.97)

TSH: .718 (.3-5.0)
T4: 9.3 (5.5-12)
THBR 1.29 (.76-1.23) HIGH
Free T4 Index: 12.0 (3.8-13.5)
Free T4: 1.27 (.8-1.8)

PSA Total: .52 (.0-4.0)

Estradiol: 18 (0-56)
FSH: 4.4 (1.4-18.1)
LH: 2.9 (1.5-9.3)
Interesting doctor you got there :)

Did you recently suffer any type of infection or were sick? You may also be dehydrated and/or eating too much protein.

I'm not a doctor, but it seems as though you're approaching late-onset hypogonadism. Very common at your age. LH is your luteinizing hormone. This is sent from your pituitary gland to your testes for the purpose of stimulating leydig cells into testosterone production. FSH is your follicle stimulating hormone, also from your pituitary and sent to testes to stimulate Sertoli cells (alongside testosterone) for sperm production.

Because LH is low, your testosterone numbers are on the lower end. I'm not sure that having your current doctor work with you on this would be a good idea. If he's unable to analyze your blood work, it may be in your best interest to wait until you can see an endocrinologist. I know that might not be what you want to hear, but monitoring blood work is the only way to succeed with therapy, and that requires a qualified physician.

Best of luck to you, I'm sure others will chime in soon.
I am going to agree with my dear friend Austin...to some extent.

I am no Doctor either but have studied and seen enough to draw some preliminary idea that are of my own.

Like Autin said, it looks like it's run of the mill age related androgen deficiency...in other words my dear friend...you're getting old.

Anti Aging Doctor's are usually the best for this type of medical care.

As Austin said, properly trained TRT Doc's know how to monitor blood work, know how to prescribe the right meds and know how to manage you long term.

Please note, most/many PCP's, Endo's and Euro's are not trained in TRT for men so don't hold your breath that the Endo you are going to see in half a year is going to be of any help.

You're best bet is to either have you current Doc start you on a big Pharma transdermal gel/cream to at least get serum levels back to some level better than where they are now. The big Pharma testosterone gel/creams have prescribing information in the box for your Doc to get your started. Your Doc can also always call the drug MD help line that big Pharma provides to learn more as well.

Or, you can find a good anti aging Doc, take a one day trip to see him or her and get the right testosterone replacement care.

In fact, many of the top TRT Doc's will work with your Doc on a "consultant" level where you can get the right care and not have to take a trip. (If you are interested in this option PM me and I will make some suggestions for you.)

If your Doc is open to that it's a win win for you both; on one hand, he learns TRT for men correctly via the consult and on the other...you get the right care.

Let me know if this helps.

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Thank you both!
Austinite: I do eat a fair amount of protein. I try to stay at 1g per pound of BW per day. I'm pretty impatient, and waiting 6 months for a Doc that might not even help me sounds no bueno.
Gene: Do you have a recommendation for a transdermal gel/cream to get me started?
Many men have done okay with Androgel...but having a TRT Doc customize your protocol is best.

I will PM you shortly with a recommendation on a couple of Doc's my friend...you will be taken care of properly.

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