My cortisol is tanked. I've taken the salivary test 3 times. Latest results are below. Keep in mind I am currently taking 35 mg of DHEA as well PREG.
7am 106 (100-750)
12pm 78 (100-750)
5pm <50 unreadable
10 pm <50 unreadable
HC has been recommended. Is anyone currently using this? Is it risky? What can I expect? What improvements will occur, or should occur?
What causes cortisol to tank like this?
7am 106 (100-750)
12pm 78 (100-750)
5pm <50 unreadable
10 pm <50 unreadable
HC has been recommended. Is anyone currently using this? Is it risky? What can I expect? What improvements will occur, or should occur?
What causes cortisol to tank like this?