home sleep apnea test

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Dr wants me to do a sleep apnea test, my wife and I are pretty sure I do not have an issue, she is a NP and has sat up at night listening to me. So I do not want to go the $2500.00 official sleep lab test. Has anybody used any of the home tests? Do you feel it was accurate?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Anything in your labs that is related to sleep apnea? I think HCT, HGB and maybe CO2 would be elevated. You could buy a pulse oximeter that records and get and idea if there is a problem.
Oh yeah absolutely HCT is never under 50. If I keep at 52 I am thrilled. Even in my late 20's and 30's HCT was 48-50 without TRT. Pulse ox does not work real well on my fingers, had frost bite when I was a teenager and have some perm damage. I did all fingers this morning and had from 92 -97!!! LOL.

Anything in your labs that is related to sleep apnea? I think HCT, HGB and maybe CO2 would be elevated. You could buy a pulse oximeter that records and get and idea if there is a problem.
I am needing a sleep test soon as well and have same question as OP. Are the "at home" sleep test good enough to get a real diagnoses and reading, or do you need to do it in office? I have trouble going to sleep, I'm not even sure if I could fall asleep in a strange place?
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