Hcg and t goes down

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I am 35. I Have been on hcg for about 7 months taking 500 units daily. My last blood test has my testosterone under 250. My blood test in November had me at 450. Is this normal to stop Responding to hcg so quickly? My numbers are now approaching where I was pre treatment.

I did take clomid for a while and that had my numbers in the 650's however I had some vision side effects and stopped that.

I guess my only treatment option going forward is test injections?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Last year it was identified that I had low t.

I started clokmid at 30mg/day 5x a week if I recall correctly. I took it for about 3 months when I started seeing floaters.

When I started taking hcg my test was in the 600's (august). By November on hcg it was 450 and then this week it's down to 243.

I am not sure what restart means?
Your decline has probably more to do with the fact that you discontinued the Clomid and thus the pituitary stopped producing LH thus the decline.

HCG as a monotherapy, generally speaking, is usually not very successful in getting testosterone serum levels to healthy youthful levels but can keep the testes alive when testosterone therapy is introduced.

You will be better served by going to a well planned TRT protocol to get your serum concentration levels up to healthy levels.
Interesting I was under the impression hcg was interpreted by the body as lh and stimulated the production of testosterone.

My SHGB is 35 and I thought that it would be lower with low test.
My doctor wants me to start testosterone mono therapy. I have asked about taking combined with hcg to help prevent full shutdown. I have had a vasectomy, so I am not looking to preserve sperm count.

anyone have any recommendations or can suggest another doctor I can see in HOUSTON Texas?
I believe Nelson is from Houston Texas. I bet you he may know a good doctor in your area. You may want to PM him.
My doctor wants me to start testosterone mono therapy. I have asked about taking combined with hcg to help prevent full shutdown. I have had a vasectomy, so I am not looking to preserve sperm count.

anyone have any recommendations or can suggest another doctor I can see in HOUSTON Texas?

A little bit of semantics here but you'll be shutdown on exo-Test, regardless of HCG use. HCG just mimics the LH (the "shutdown" factor). It is still important to not induce organ failure of the testes even if fertility is not a subject, there are a few hormonal pathways that exist in the testes and keep them (your nuts) alive is important.

To piggyback with Gene, HCG mono, like Clomid, has really low, long term success, particularly if you were secondary Hypo to begin with it would have been a poor choice.
Vince thank your for the reply. I scheduled an appointment with one of the recommended doctors. Unfortunately he is 4 months out until I can see him.

ok I am confused and will look through more stickies. I think that hcg would keep the testes from completely shutting off and dying. Based on your comment it sounds like there are other ways to do that. I would prefer to keep them.
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I have been prescribed 50 mg test cyp twice a week. I have a scheduled appointment for one of excelmales recommended doctors. Unfortunately that is not until the summer.
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