1,500 divided by 7 is 240 IU daily. We have no data on that daily dose used along with TRT. You can try it and see what your testicular size and semen quality are after a few weeks.
View attachment 6723
Intratesticular testosterone normalized only at doses over 250 IU of HCG every other day (with TRT). Intratesticular T is needed for proper semen production.
View attachment 6720
A single shot of HCG (in this graph showing 500 IU, 50,000 IU, 5000 IU and 6500 IU) increases After 24 hours. T goes down to baseline after 72 hours. I doubt that 1500/7=
View attachment 6721
Is this graph, 300 IU every day for 3 days increased T and E2 stabilized after the second day even after the third shot.