Sad truth is more and more guys are coming to terms with the fact that TRT has screwed them up royally. I've been on the roller coaster for the last 5 or 6 years and have at one time or another experienced all of these horror stories. So the answer, of course, is to have more blood work done, inject this or that, take this pill, try this supplement, wait 6 months and see what happens. Lather, rinse, repeat. Before you know it years have gone by and you can vaguely remember being better off before you started the TRT journey. Doctors are getting rich, and still there are never any bullet proof facts and concrete diagnoses. It's all anecdotal, patient accounts, and statistical averages.
Here's my opinion: If your testicles literally don't make testosterone because of disease or injury, or if your brain literally doesn't work to produce the chemicals that tell your testicles to make testosterone, then by all means inject testosterone and HCG for the rest of your life, and pepper that with a AI when you feel like you need it.
BUT, if you're a guy in your late 30's, 40's, 50's etc. and your testosterone seems to be "lower" than what it was when you were 18, suck it up, Princess. That's life. You're aging. Better to deal with it and use diet and exercise to help where possible than to start down the road of TRT when you don't physically need it because as you are all starting to learn, there are terrible consequences when you play around with this stuff long term.
Queue the guys that swear TRT is the best thing ever and how it has miraculously changed their lives. Good for you. a) you're in the minority, b) you're likely lying to yourself, or c) the bad stuff just hasn't started yet.