[h=5]Six weeks ago in good health, I was taking four antivirals, numerous supplements and 200mg Testosterone cypionate weekly with HCG and arimidex. Then, I went to the Tulane gym on a Wednesday evening doing maximum weights for me, felt sore on Thursday thinking it was from the workout, and woke up on Friday with 103 temperature and sudden admittance to the Touro ICU, diagnosed with double pneumonia. After five days in ICU with 24-hours per day of intravenous alternating triple antibiotic, I was moved to a regular hospital room and discharged four days later for convalescence. During the pneumonia, a chronic ventricular issue was noted, allowing ‘'only 60% of expected out-pump'', according to my physician. So now, I'm on the old antiviral and supplemental regimen, plus a cocktail of three heart medications and one statin, apparently for cholesterol. Testosterone replacement therapy has been interrupted, and I don't know enough to decide whether or when I will be able to resume it. So, I have three questions : First, is it possible that the TRT weakened my immune system? Second, should I now have myself tested again for testosterone, hematocrit and estradiol and safely recommence TRT? Third, would Dr. Dach be knowledgeable about HIV, heart issues and TRT and the complex of interactive effects all at the same time? Though in New Orleans, I am prepared to travel to be advised by a physician who understands these interconnections. I have good physicians, but none of them is really current in all three areas. It is difficult to do that, but I'm thinking that there may be someone anyway.[/b]