confused on how to proceed with my trt


New Member
i have been on testosterone replacement now for six months.i had symptoms of severe inflammation in my body,muscles and joints and much fatigue.the sports dr.i was seeing was treating me for an injured breast bone.he explained the inflammation and fatigue could be from low testosterone and low free testosterone.he ran blood test that came back that i had low testosterone and low free testosterone.he started me on testosterone replacement.about 3 weeks of trt and the inflammation and fatigue for the most part went away and i began to feel pcp dr.wanted me to see an endocrinologist for more testing.she tested me for hpta,thyroid,estradiol,psa,all the test came back pcp dr.tested my blood for red blood cell count and the test came back elevated.the endocrinologist began telling me bad stories about trt such as prostate cancer and bloodclots and now she wants me to stop trt for 30 days to recheck my testosterone levels,she seems to think that i do not need trt,but i am afraid to stop because of a relapse of symptoms and now a down regulation of my own production of testosterone that i am afraid will make me feel much worse.any advice that anyone can give me i will greatly appreciate.i am totally confused and worried about what to do.none of these 3 drs.never told me very much about what to expect about stoping trt or how i will feel or if bad symptoms will come back and if the endocrinologist tells me to stop trt completly because she thinks my testosterone levels are normal.----please help----3 drs. have me confused-------keith---my first testosterone blood test was 325
Unfortunately, this sounds like a textbook example of doctors giving poor care, and provides more evidence that people who are treated successfully often have to be assertive and curious enough to take control of their own health care. Your sports med doctor seemed to be on the right track and your pcp meant well, but the endocrinologist is misinformed about treating low testosterone and the side effects of those treatments. (Unfortunately, this is common with endocrinologists. You are usually better off with a urologist or a reputable "anti-aging" clinic.)

You need to find a doctor who knows how to properly administer testosterone plus HCG, and monitor your treatment as appropriate including estradiol (sensitive assay), hemoglobin and hematrocrit, among other things. I believe there is a section in this forum where folks can help you find a good doctor. I, for one, feel that Defy Medical is a very good choice regardless of where you live.

Be sure to get Nelson's book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide", research this site thoroughly, and check out the following from the "stickies" from this site:

How should doctors monitor men receiving testosterone replacement therapy?

Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after another negative study

Does Testosterone Cause Prostate Cancer? Can Men Treated for Prostate Cancer Use TRT?

Thread: The Use of HCG to Prevent / Reverse Testicular Shrinkage and Preserve Fertility

How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone?
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Did anyone stop to figure out why you had low T to begin with? Are you overweight, diabetic.....? What was your PSA? What was your estradiol? By all means if you opt to get off of T ask to run HCG for awhile
begining to find my way with my trt

i want to thank everyone for helping me to find my way with my trt.just being able to talk to someone about this has been a great help,i dont feel so helpless and frustrated.all of everybodys advice has made me feel much seems like i have been on a roller coaster ride the last 6 months or so.the testosterone i have been on is from a pharmacy that does compounding,it is testosterone 5% in lipoderm cream,i have responded very well with this compound,the sports med dr.was checking my test. level every 60 days before he would write another prescription--the first prescription was for 1 pump from the bottle--then he increased the dose from one pump to two pumps for the second prescription--the problems began when the time came for the third prescription the dr.i was seeing went on vacation and a fill in dr. working for the office read my last testosterone blood test and he upped the dose to three pumps from the bottle-i did not see what the first two test results showed for my first two prescriptions but when i finished the third prescription and the sports med dr.was back from vacation and he did the third blood test my testosterone level shot up to almost 1500.needless to say he was very alarmed and he cut the dose back to two pumps-my pcp was also alarmed,thats why he sent me to the endocrinologist,she has helped some but scared me more than i have started the process to take control of my health and i have contacted a dr.keith wharton-- bodylogicmd in pittsburgh pa.--it appears it is going to cost me more money out of pocket --they are out of my insurance network--but it will be worth it-they do more testing and monitor closely--this extreme up and down dosing has got me suffering with anxiety and depression and my red blood cell count went high---but my pcp dr.ordered another blood panel 4 days ago and red blood cell count is almost normal --still a bit high---my ldl has went down--hdl has gone up--total lipids are in good range--so very good news with these test--once again thank you all very much for the help----keith
Like Gene mentioned, if you stop now you will just crash completely. Trust me when I say that I have been in your exact same shoes. I went through some very frustrating times with several doctors, all at my expense.

I tell you in all truth there are two (2) things you will need to make this a complete success ... 1) A physician who is qualified and capable to treat hypogonadism (correctly & effectively) and the other variables related thereof. 2) A continued commitment on your part to educate yourself in ALL areas of this topic, which will enable you and your doctor(s) to make better decisions collectively.

As you can see, a successful program isn't as simple as just taking 1 medication and everything is perfect. You have factors, like RBC's/Hematocrit, but that can be managed with blood donations as Nelson mentioned. You also have factors upstream/downstream, like E2, adrenals (cortisol, DHEA), thyroid, Pregnenolone, and areas of your CBC and metabolic profile that need to be monitored "correctly".

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