Can apple cider vinegar help with weight loss?

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Nelson Vergel

[FONT=&quot]Has anyone tried this? It makes me feel so full in the mornings ( I drink water before going to be with two tea spoons). It really reduces my appetite. I wonder how it would work with GH peptides like ipamorelin and or Metformin or Oxandrolone for decreasing visceral fat. It may be a good addition to fasting programs.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Can apple cider vinegar help with weight loss?[/FONT]
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I know drinking apple cider vinegar has been popular for many years, I tried it a number of times but never received any benefits from it.
I also tried it every night before bed when I was trying to lose fat. To tell the truth, I was in a calorie deficit so I have no idea whether it helped. I was hoping for the insulin effect. The taste and the burning in my throat was unpleasant enough to make me quit. Yuck
Ive tried it a few times and I just can't choke it down and I've diluted it in water, a lot, with honey, lemon, etc.., I tried some drive ACV capsules but found no benefit if that's even a good way to get it.
When I drank it, I usually added one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to about 8 ounces of water. I enjoyed the taste but as I said never received any benefits.
Has anyone tried this? It makes me feel so full in the mornings ( I drink water before going to be with two tea spoons). It really reduces my appetite. I wonder how it would work with GH peptides like ipamorelin and or Metformin or Oxandrolone for decreasing visceral fat. It may be a good addition to fasting programs.

Can apple cider vinegar help with weight loss?

I used to take it in the past.

I drink 8-10 500ml water daily and used to add 1 TBS/day to my water.....started at one tablespoon and worked my way up to 3 TBS/day.

Only thing I really noticed was a cleansing effect and I did like the taste it added to water.

Tried it raw down the hatchet and it is potent!

As far as fat loss benefits highly doubtful mind you vinegar added to carbohydrate meals has been show to lower the glycemic index of the meal and slow gastric emptying.....hence why you may have felt full after taking it.

There are many wild health claims but I would say a lot are far fetched.
ACV helped bring my cholesterol down to normal levels which I have not had in 15 years. Also, I do not get acid reflux anymore which I attribute to the AVC. In regards to weight loss, I have not experienced this with AVC.
Sorry my reply doesn't really relate to weight loss so I may be out of line here... I tried it for approx. 6 months due to GERD symptoms and although I was persistent it made my reflux worse so I stopped. That's when I learned about taking Betaine HCL to increase stomach acid and for GERD symptoms that stuff is a miracle. The biggest gain I found with Betaine HCL was not only did it eliminate all GERD symptoms it also made me sleep like a baby. I don't take it all the time now, only occasionally. I can drink and eat anything now and no more GERD symptoms.
I drink a little every other day. I can drink it mixed in OJ. I've read it makes your system more alkaline instead of acidic. I can confirm with a piss strip test I take every so often it raised me from 6.0 to 7.5 (give or take a little), being more towards alkaline.
Good for insulin sensitivity... I take a swing with 500mg of berberine in a fasted morning state and right before bed.
Has anyone tried this? It makes me feel so full in the mornings ( I drink water before going to be with two tea spoons). It really reduces my appetite. I wonder how it would work with GH peptides like ipamorelin and or Metformin or Oxandrolone for decreasing visceral fat. It may be a good addition to fasting programs.

Can apple cider vinegar help with weight loss?
I've been on Ipamorelin and Mod GRF (1-29) for a month now and I've lost 8lbs of fat with no other changes to diet, workout regimen, or TRT protocol.

Ipa alone is very weak, but is very synergistic with Mod GRF.

On top of the weight loss, I've broken through plateaus on several lifts. I am also sleeping better/deeper than I have in years. The key is to take on an empty stomach and not eating until 2hrs after your dose.
Dr. Saya suggested to me to use 300mcg doses. I also use 100mcg doses as that was the way we did it with dat. But peptides today don't appear to be as strong as they used to be.
Before I started with Defy I decided to get serious with losing weight to maximize TRT. Went to intermittent fasting (20 and 4) and lost 20 pounds over next 3 months. Just use ACV thru morning to cut hunger pangs and have lunch 2-3pm. Dosing is just a tablespoon in a quart of water. Pretty simple really. Was planning on going back to regular meals but find it pretty easy to continue . Kinda pleased with myself as now running #10 less than my twin brother and always have run #10 more than him. We're 65 and he's on T-cream thru homeopath and I follow Defy's T-cyp/HCG protocol. All good thus far, almost 5 months in.
I have a wealth of experience using apple cider vinegar. Initially, I started taking it on the advice of a doctor, as I had a low level of acidity in my body. This hurts the absorption of vitamins and digestion. Then I started drinking it in the morning. However, I could not eat for several hours after that, so I had to abandon this method. Then I found an article — And after that, I started taking vinegar in the form of jelly, which made it much easier to use it. In principle, it can help you lose weight, but I'm not sure that it will benefit your health without a doctor's recommendations.
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