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I'm 22 years old and have 400 ng/dl of testosterone naturally. I have libido, energy, sleep issues etc.

If I use high testosterone, does it effect negatively on my brain development?

My doctor says my brain can develop until 24-25 but testosterone injections won't effect negatively.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Welcome to Excelmale. At your age I would be very wary of starting testosterone replacement on the basis of one lab test. Given your age, your testosterone levels should be higher, and trying to determine what is going on and why should be your primary goal. Can you post your lab work? Testosterone, SHBG, thyroid panel, LH, FSH, estradiol (sensitive assay), CBC at a minimum.
Welcome to Excelmale. At your age I would be very wary of starting testosterone replacement on the basis of one lab test. Given your age, your testosterone levels should be higher, and trying to determine what is going on and why should be your primary goal. Can you post your lab work? Testosterone, SHBG, thyroid panel, LH, FSH, estradiol (sensitive assay), CBC at a minimum.
I'll post. But I wonder if I use high testosterone like 2300-3000 ng/dl for 12-16 weeks, does it effect negatively on my brain development?
The "dosage" you reference in your post is a lab measurement. Dosing would be 100-200mg per week.

I would have labs looked at to investigate pituitary, testicle or other problems at your age.

I believe clomid would be a better starting point if drugs are needed. Then go from there.

But first get a quality doc to evaluate your labs and symptoms instead of just throwing hormones at you, especially at your age.
The "dosage" you reference in your post is a lab measurement. Dosing would be 100-200mg per week.

I would have labs looked at to investigate pituitary, testicle or other problems at your age.

I believe clomid would be a better starting point if drugs are needed. Then go from there.

But first get a quality doc to evaluate your labs and symptoms instead of just throwing hormones at you, especially at your age.
I will use 400 mg of testosterone a week for bodybuilding purposes. I will also use 250 iu hCG twice a week. I want you to help me, please. Will it effect negatively on my brain development?
There is no good doctor in there. They don't know how to manage TRT.

My question is, if I use 400 mg of testosterone a week, does it effect negatively on my brain?
Your first post indicated you have spoken to a doctor, please explain what he told you in regard to injecting 400mg a week at your age, or any age, for that matter. Do you understand what you will be doing to your HPTA axis? That you will drive your estradiol level through the roof? Do you live outside of North America?
Your first post indicated you have spoken to a doctor, please explain what he told you in regard to injecting 400mg a week at your age, or any age, for that matter. Do you understand what you will be doing to your HPTA axis? That you will drive your estradiol level through the roof? Do you live outside of North America?
I will not just inject 400 mg of testosterone. I will also use 250 iu hCG twice a week and 0.25 mg arimidex every other day. Of course I have post cycle therapy drugs like nolvadex and clomid.
There is no good doctor in there. They don't know how to manage TRT.

My question is, if I use 400 mg of testosterone a week, does it effect negatively on my brain?

Good God, please consult with a competent doctor before you hurt yourself, and do irreversible damage to your body. A phone consult with Defy Medical doesn't cost that much. If there were ever someone who needed their advice, it's you.

400mg of Test per week is NOT a TRT dosage.
I will not on TRT. It's for bodybuilding purposes. Also, blood tests will be checked while on 400 mg of testosterone. I will donate blood before going on it.

My questions is, does it effect negatively on my brain development?
Simply answer is yes but the real negative brain injury will be during pct.

Put in more hard work i walk around with 40ng/dl and I'm more muscular then your average man its all diet and hard work. I'm going to be getting on defys plan so i can optimize my body and mind I'm 29y.o. though. You haven't even began to tap your genetic peak.
Simply answer is yes but the real negative brain injury will be during pct.

Put in more hard work i walk around with 40ng/dl and I'm more muscular then your average man its all diet and hard work. I'm going to be getting on defys plan so i can optimize my body and mind I'm 29y.o. though. You haven't even began to tap your genetic peak.
Can you show a study about this?
Steroids the way you want to use them is rarely study.

Look at any study on HPTA and exogenous testosterore administration, also during pct the testosterone to estrogen ratio is largely disproportionate leading to the all to well known "roid rage". Elevated estrogen in men causes burst of uncontrolled rage it's like a woman's PMS. Our brains aren't wired to handle that.

Just take modafinil or adrafinil to boost your performance, it's safer. Noopept maybe to increase neural plasticity so you'll be open to the advice given to you here.
By they way, I sleep 10-11 hours a day. Is that because of my testosterone is low normal? Even if I sleep 10-11 hours, I don't feel it's enough.
Do 80mg three times a week subq test c or e
Hold the exemestane until its need, it rarely is if you get gyno use a low dose arimidex 12.5mg e3d with raloxifene will go away.

Pct use enclomiphene and raloxifene, sides will be much lower and no wild mood swings.

You wont listen to us telling you no so at least take this advice so you don't destroy your body completely. This should put test levels close to 1500 going over that will increase hemacrit and rbc count plus mess up blood lipids badly and a aromatase inhibitor used to much will also mess up blood lipids.
What, what, what? Destroy my body? This is not oral steroid or hardcore steroid like trenbolone. This is testosterone. You guys take 200 mg a week. I will just take 400 mg a week. Why would I destroy my body? Also, this isn't long term. It's just 12 weeks.

Again, my question is, is testosterone effect negatively on my brain development? If yes or no, please give me a study.
What tests other than total testosterone have you taken? Free testosterone, shbg, thyroid panel, fsh, LH, and cbc, are essential before you can map out what it is you're dealing with.
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