Bpc-157 for shoulder issues

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I am thinking of using some bpc157, a peptide, for some nagging shoulder issues. The research I have done seems to imply it is safe and highly effective. Anybody used it? How do you dose it for a 195 lb person? Any reputable source to get it from?

Any experi need answers will be appreciated. Thanks guys.
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A good buddy of mine, who's older than both of us. Last year he tore his rotator cuff doing heavy overhead presses. He used the therapy that I was taught, after a couple months he was ready to give up. I convinced him to keep trying in about a month later his rotator cuff with fully healed. Even though you already had shoulder surgery, I believe you should still do the simple exercise, or maybe I should just call it simple stretching.
Shoulder pain relief: Hanging for Healthy Shoulders
I've asked about 157 a couple different times here. No one really seems to have a definitive answer. I never did try it simply because most reviews of different sources were so sketchy at best.

If you do try it, Please let me know how it goes for you.
There's almost no peptide discussion on EM, generally not a thing that happens around here for whatever reason.

Experimenting with peptides, HGH, etc kind of fall the world of cyclers and we chase those guys away pretty fast. HCG seems to be about the only peptide we freely talk about.
A good buddy of mine, who's older than both of us. Last year he tore his rotator cuff doing heavy overhead presses. He used the therapy that I was taught, after a couple months he was ready to give up. I convinced him to keep trying in about a month later his rotator cuff with fully healed. Even though you already had shoulder surgery, I believe you should still do the simple exercise, or maybe I should just call it simple stretching.
Shoulder pain relief: Hanging for Healthy Shoulders

This is the shoulder that was not operated on. The reason I needed rotator cuff surgery on the repaired shoulder is because of stretching exercises. Actually, a physical therapist was responsible for most of the damage. I am concerned because the shoulder injury I've had since 1968 off and on. I do not want surgery on my “Good” shoulder right now. I was hoping this would speed up the healing. Right now this is just something I am considering. I do not want to do it without some good advice from people who may have used it. Certainly, I can live with my shoulder as it is now. I just would like to have freedom from pain.
If memory serves the GH secretagogue that is most known in TRT at least on this forum would be Sermorelin, at least one of our clinics is or was prescribing a compounded product.
Gotcha. I have a few friends that use BPC-157 who are avid distance length triathletes. They are the group that introduced me to the compound. Lol I thought there was an anti cyclist bent on the board.

I am currently using it to try to heal an injury with inconclusive results so far, although I did use it last year and the two injuries I used it (and TB500) for are now 100% healed and better than ever, however I have no way to know what role it and many other things I did played, but I view it as low cost/risk with potentially high benefit. I believe P____Sciences to be a reliable source although they are bit more expensive than others. Dr. William Seeds is a big fan of it which counts for a lot in my book. I would look at Ben Greenfield's article for dosing although I used a bit less over a longer period of time. I had many shoulder issues and did a very long list of things which likely helped but I would especially recommend slow negatives and moving light weights though every possible range of motion. To get fully healed was a multi-year process. You might also investigate the shoulderok-like exercises although I didn't do those yet so I can't personally endorse.

The problem with anything like these compounds is that it is very hard to know what is doing what, so I think risk/reward is the best way make to make decisions and for me it seems worthwhile.
It is supposedly helpful in healing of soft tissue injuries, not anything like a cycle of steroids, at least in the research that I have done. I have also heard a lot about sermorelin, but it is very expensive.

In my quick googling today it looks like it takes this sermorelin 6-12 months to see/feel results. The googling of 157 seems to work faster targeting the joint tissues.

I wish we had a peptide folder/forum here for guys interested in anti aging benefits which is in line with TRT goals.
It is supposedly helpful in healing of soft tissue injuries, not anything like a cycle of steroids, at least in the research that I have done. I have also heard a lot about sermorelin, but it is very expensive.
let me clarify because you're right I meant to say it's more common in that group of people; peptide use
" I wish we had a peptide folder/forum here for guys interested in anti aging benefits which is in line with TRT goals."

We do. I wish more people would use peptides and share experiences there
Bpc-157 300 Mcg once a day my right shoulder used to be my bad shoulder some pain and instability in the joints especially doing flys I believe a partial labrum tear I had for years. It is now my good shoulder I took a joint formula with MSM and other stuff as well as did rehab work and lots of arm circles at the same time. I don't believe I would have had the same outcome without the BPC-157 as I've used joint formulas and have done rehab work in the past without much success.
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I believe both BPC 157 and TB 500 (as well as most other common peptides, but not GHRP-6) can now be ordered officially by prescription from a compounding pharmacy, Tailor Made in KY.
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