Hi everyone,
I am helping a family member start TRT.
The doctor seems to be a fan of oral undecanoate.
Personally, I do not understand the reasoning.
From my experience and reading, administering test cypionate/enanthate a couple of times a week subcutaneously seems superior.
Does anyone have any experience with oral undecanoate. I feel like it should be avoided at all cost for men.
Sometimes it is frustrating asking such questions when doctors are "set in their ways".
Thanks in advance
Many doctors are uninformed when it comes to treating men for low-t let alone tend to be dead set on achieving mid-normal physiological levels.
Sticklers for prescribing big pharma transdermal (Androgel), intranasal (Natesto), or the newly approved
oral testosterone undecanoate (Jatenzo) and the ones who tend to be brave and prescribe injectable esterified-T use those outdated stone-aged protocols (200 mg every 2 weeks).
If you get lucky you may even get one who prescribes injectable esterified T such as Xyosted (once weekly).....whoopee!
The goal of trt is to replace physiological levels through the use of exogenous T which results in relief/improvement of low-t symptoms and increased overall well-being while at the same time avoiding/minimizing and potential side-effects and keeping blood markers healthy long-term.
In order to achieve such healthy TT/FT levels are needed and depending on the individual some may do well with average TT/FT levels whereas others may need higher levels.
Many will not see improvement of symptoms until high enough TT/FT levels are achieved.
Although one can achieve higher T levels when using transdermal gels the doses needed are much higher when using big pharma brands as they are low strength and even then many can still have absorption issues.
Most would end up switching over to compounded T which are much higher strength.
Absorption when using transdermal is 9-14% at best.
Some end up using transdermal creams (scrotal application) as absorption is much higher.
Even then most are using injectable esterified T (cypionate or enanthate).
Very effective for attaining high T levels let alone a cost-effective method for treatment.
Forget the oral TU and tell your friend to convince his doctor to prescribe injections.
Otherwise, look into finding a reputable clinic.