Isn't it crazy how we go to a specific doctor when something is wrong with us, yet they may know just as much as us? Wish I would've known this sooner. I found a Dr. By the name id Kate Gear, and endo in Austin. I only have referral to a endo and no not a urologist via the same Dr. who prescribed me TRT. She seems great, but would love to know if anyone has any experiences with here.
There are certain questions that a doctor, managing a patient in TRT, should be comfortable answering.
1. What tests do they insist in when evaluating a patient for TRT?
2. What sort of treatment protocols do they prescribe? If they initiate treatment with topical testosterone, and that's a rational choice, how long do they maintain that regimen if levels don't move and the patient is one of the many who does not absorb testosterone gels/creams?
3. When prescribing injections, do they understand that frequent, smaller injections lead to success? Are they aware that testosterone injected every 10 or 14 days is going to result in treatment failure?
4. Is HCG offered to all patients on TRT?
5. How do they monitor estradiol levels? Do they order the sensitive, LC, MS/MS, estradiol test for all male patients? Do they understand that anastrozole is a good drug, frequently a necessary one, but it is often prescribed too often?
6. How do they respond to questions about erectile function, libido concerns? Do they offer Cialis (or one of its cousins), Trimix?
7. How often do they monitor, and what tests are ordered? Do they understand the importance of PSA values?