Hey Carmine, and welcome to the site! Glad to have you aboard! First off, it doesn't look like you're doing enough pumps. I'm thinking you need to do at least two more. Then increase as necessary but talk to your doctor before doing so. Because I use Androgel 1% in 5 gram packets for a total of 10 grams per day, I'm not too familiar with how this is measured out per pump. If memory serves me right, two pumps is giving you about 40 mg of gel. So try a couple more and see how that goes. The most important thing for you to remember right now is not to get discouraged about how your progress is going. You are in the tweaking phase which is something we all go through when trying to find the right dosage that works for us. Keep plugging away at this. DON'T stop the treatment! It's obviously working since it brought you up from 240 to 350. You're just not using enough yet to get the results you need. You seem pretty focused on the libido and morning wood issues and while that's always fun to focus on, I would place more attention on mood and energy levels for right now. If you were at 240 before you must have felt pretty crappy. Constantly fatigued and depressed. I certainly was at that level. Increase the dosage, pay attention to how you feel and the fun stuff will fall into place. As for the Cialis which is something I've never taken so I'm probably not the best person to make this call, I would be inclined to stop taking it for a while. I think I'd want to see what TRT has done for me first and then start back on it if I felt it was needed. Now as for what you're doing wrong, the first thing that jumps out at me is that you're applying the gel before bed. Androgel is to be applied after taking a morning shower. Your skin needs to be clean for proper absorption. Once the gel is applied and dry apply a moisturizer which further helps the gel to absorb into the skin. Since you're going to be increasing the dosage you'll now want to apply the gel to both shoulders and upper arms. Other areas Androgel can be applied to include chest, back, back of the thighs and stomach if you have little fat in that area. Stick with shoulders and upper arms for now. HCG is something you can explore later on down the road as you're not ready for it yet. And lastly, once you've increased the dosage and if you aren't doing so already, start hitting the gym! You'll start seeing and feeling the results right away. Trust me! And congratulations on starting your TRT journey. It's one I don't think you'll ever regret taking. Just hang in there and be patient! Remember, we're always here to help if you have any questions. All the best to you!