Androgel 1.62 not working so great. Help!

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Carmine D'Amato

New Member
I'm 43 year old male in good shape . My libido was down and i had my test checked out. It was 240. My Doctor started me on 1 pump. After 8 weeks , had blood work done....test was up 350. No changes in sex drive. Doctor told me to try 2 pumps . Its been about 4 changes in my Libido. I get morning wood maybe twice a week. My erections seemed to be better before Test. treatment . At that time, i was taking Cialis alone and penis was working fine but it did not make my libido increase so i tried the Androgel. I am still taking Cialis with the androgel. That combo seems to be not working at all . i don't know why. I am feeling a bit more alert on 2 pumps but no change with erections and libido. Maybe i'm doing something wrong ? I apply 2 pumps before bed to my right shoulder. Should i applying to different areas? or does that even make that much of a difference? do i need more testosterone and need be more patient ? or should i be adding maybe something else to this regimen (HCG) ? this is getting depressing but i want to make it better .
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I'm 43 year old male in good shape . My libido was down and i had my test checked out. It was 240. My Doctor started me on 1 pump. After 8 weeks , had blood work done....test was up 350. No changes in sex drive. Doctor told me to try 2 pumps . Its been about 4 changes in my Libido. I get morning wood maybe twice a week. My erections seemed to be better before Test. treatment . At that time, i was taking Cialis alone and penis was working fine but it did not make my libido increase so i tried the Androgel. I am still taking Cialis with the androgel. That combo seems to be not working at all . i don't know why. I am feeling a bit more alert on 2 pumps but no change with erections and libido. Maybe i'm doing something wrong ? I apply 2 pumps before bed to my right shoulder. Should i applying to different areas? or does that even make that much of a difference? do i need more testosterone and need be more patient ? or should i be adding maybe something else to this regimen (HCG) ? this is getting depressing but i want to make it better .

Hey Carmine, and welcome to the site! Glad to have you aboard! First off, it doesn't look like you're doing enough pumps. I'm thinking you need to do at least two more. Then increase as necessary but talk to your doctor before doing so. Because I use Androgel 1% in 5 gram packets for a total of 10 grams per day, I'm not too familiar with how this is measured out per pump. If memory serves me right, two pumps is giving you about 40 mg of gel. So try a couple more and see how that goes. The most important thing for you to remember right now is not to get discouraged about how your progress is going. You are in the tweaking phase which is something we all go through when trying to find the right dosage that works for us. Keep plugging away at this. DON'T stop the treatment! It's obviously working since it brought you up from 240 to 350. You're just not using enough yet to get the results you need. You seem pretty focused on the libido and morning wood issues and while that's always fun to focus on, I would place more attention on mood and energy levels for right now. If you were at 240 before you must have felt pretty crappy. Constantly fatigued and depressed. I certainly was at that level. Increase the dosage, pay attention to how you feel and the fun stuff will fall into place. As for the Cialis which is something I've never taken so I'm probably not the best person to make this call, I would be inclined to stop taking it for a while. I think I'd want to see what TRT has done for me first and then start back on it if I felt it was needed. Now as for what you're doing wrong, the first thing that jumps out at me is that you're applying the gel before bed. Androgel is to be applied after taking a morning shower. Your skin needs to be clean for proper absorption. Once the gel is applied and dry apply a moisturizer which further helps the gel to absorb into the skin. Since you're going to be increasing the dosage you'll now want to apply the gel to both shoulders and upper arms. Other areas Androgel can be applied to include chest, back, back of the thighs and stomach if you have little fat in that area. Stick with shoulders and upper arms for now. HCG is something you can explore later on down the road as you're not ready for it yet. And lastly, once you've increased the dosage and if you aren't doing so already, start hitting the gym! You'll start seeing and feeling the results right away. Trust me! And congratulations on starting your TRT journey. It's one I don't think you'll ever regret taking. Just hang in there and be patient! Remember, we're always here to help if you have any questions. All the best to you!

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First of all , THANK YOU for your reply.I guess i have been applying the gel all wrong! The reason i do apply it night is because i shower before bed . I'm not sure if that matters. Maybe i should wash my shoulders down again in the morning and then apply? I'm feeling a bit lost with this TRT. I went back and checked my Numbers. On 10/22/13..... My Test. level was 358 ....that was before TRT. I was feeling down and tired , also brain fog. My primary Doctor had me see and Endocrinologist and my starting dose was 1 pump ( 20.25 mgs) . My Labs 6 weeks later were a 270 . Then on 3/12/14 were 318 and 6.0 Estrogen . Since then I've been increasing my dose a little a day and now i'm up to 2 pumps. I've always worked out with weights. I gained 8 lbs since my start. which I've never been able to do before! My Muscles are getting bigger and i feel like the brain fog is going away a bit. My energy level has been increasing with 2 pumps as well. I guess the Libido situation will pick up soon and i probably shouldn't focus so much on it but i have a woman at home that i need to please.
where do you think my numbers should be ? does it matter which product i take ? and your saying that apply regular men's body lotion after your gel dries ? You are on 100 mgs per day? ( a lot of questions )
thanks again...Your advice is very much appreciated .
Read the package insert that comes with the Androgel, or check their website. It has a lot of useful information, including that the recommended starting dose is 2 pumps. When I started on Androgel I started at 2 pumps and after 4 weeks when my levels were only at about half of the normal range my Dr at the time had me go straight to 4 pumps, and that did bring my levels up to the top of the range.

4 pumps of Androgel 1.62 is 81mg of test.
Hey Carmine, and welcome to the site! Glad to have you aboard! First off, it doesn't look like you're doing enough pumps. I'm thinking you need to do at least two more. Then increase as necessary but talk to your doctor before doing so. Because I use Androgel 1% in 5 gram packets for a total of 10 grams per day, I'm not too familiar with how this is measured out per pump. If memory serves me right, two pumps is giving you about 40 mg of gel. So try a couple more and see how that goes. The most important thing for you to remember right now is not to get discouraged about how your progress is going. You are in the tweaking phase which is something we all go through when trying to find the right dosage that works for us. Keep plugging away at this. DON'T stop the treatment! It's obviously working since it brought you up from 240 to 350. You're just not using enough yet to get the results you need. You seem pretty focused on the libido and morning wood issues and while that's always fun to focus on, I would place more attention on mood and energy levels for right now. If you were at 240 before you must have felt pretty crappy. Constantly fatigued and depressed. I certainly was at that level. Increase the dosage, pay attention to how you feel and the fun stuff will fall into place. As for the Cialis which is something I've never taken so I'm probably not the best person to make this call, I would be inclined to stop taking it for a while. I think I'd want to see what TRT has done for me first and then start back on it if I felt it was needed. Now as for what you're doing wrong, the first thing that jumps out at me is that you're applying the gel before bed. Androgel is to be applied after taking a morning shower. Your skin needs to be clean for proper absorption. Once the gel is applied and dry apply a moisturizer which further helps the gel to absorb into the skin. Since you're going to be increasing the dosage you'll now want to apply the gel to both shoulders and upper arms. Other areas Androgel can be applied to include chest, back, back of the thighs and stomach if you have little fat in that area. Stick with shoulders and upper arms for now. HCG is something you can explore later on down the road as you're not ready for it yet. And lastly, once you've increased the dosage and if you aren't doing so already, start hitting the gym! You'll start seeing and feeling the results right away. Trust me! And congratulations on starting your TRT journey. It's one I don't think you'll ever regret taking. Just hang in there and be patient! Remember, we're always here to help if you have any questions. All the best to you!


Tell me, why isn't he ready for HCG yet?
First of all , THANK YOU for your reply.I guess i have been applying the gel all wrong! The reason i do apply it night is because i shower before bed . I'm not sure if that matters. Maybe i should wash my shoulders down again in the morning and then apply? I'm feeling a bit lost with this TRT. I went back and checked my Numbers. On 10/22/13..... My Test. level was 358 ....that was before TRT. I was feeling down and tired , also brain fog. My primary Doctor had me see and Endocrinologist and my starting dose was 1 pump ( 20.25 mgs) . My Labs 6 weeks later were a 270 . Then on 3/12/14 were 318 and 6.0 Estrogen . Since then I've been increasing my dose a little a day and now i'm up to 2 pumps. I've always worked out with weights. I gained 8 lbs since my start. which I've never been able to do before! My Muscles are getting bigger and i feel like the brain fog is going away a bit. My energy level has been increasing with 2 pumps as well. I guess the Libido situation will pick up soon and i probably shouldn't focus so much on it but i have a woman at home that i need to please.
where do you think my numbers should be ? does it matter which product i take ? and your saying that apply regular men's body lotion after your gel dries ? You are on 100 mgs per day? ( a lot of questions )
thanks again...Your advice is very much appreciated .

I think you should be okay rewashing your shoulders and arms in the morning and then applying the gel. Just make sure your skin is good and dry before doing so. When the gel is dry you can apply the moisturizer. I use Gold Bond Ultimate For Men. I chose it because I'm scent sensitive and this has very little scent. It's a fresh-out-of-the-shower smell with a hint of woodsyness. I think you'll like it. You want to apply gel in the morning as it helps to energize your day. It peaks in about 3 to 5 hours. No sense in having that happen when you're sound asleep! I can relate to the shower before bed thing as that had been my routine for years. Nothin' better than getting fresh and squeaky clean and then climbing into bed with fresh, crisp cotton sheets! Always sent me right off to dreamland! It's been a big adjustment for me but you do what you gotta do. HarryCat has been kind enough to respond to your questions regarding using the pump. It's always great to get the advice you need on using a product from someone who's an experienced user. I think four pumps is going to work well for you and my guess is that you'll see the results your expecting within two weeks. As far as what your numbers should be I'm thinking at least 700. Like HarryCat, you'll probably go further. As far as where I'm at with TRT I'll give you a bit of an idea: I've been on it for 9 months now. My starting total was 206 and I'm now at 836. I use a total of 10 grams Androgel per day. I'm 59, 6'-0" and 238lbs. I've packed on 33lbs since I started. I'm ready to lean out just a bit and am close to having the physique I've always wanted. Of course if I grow some more I certainly won't be complaining! I don't think any of this is too shabby especially when you consider that I'm living with AIDS. Glad to hear that you're lifting and have been for a while. Having gained 8 pounds so far is pretty encouraging and I think you're going to be thrilled and amazed at how much more you're going to gain. And again, HANG IN THERE! Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! Good luck!

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Tell me, why isn't he ready for HCG yet?

In my opinion there are two reasons. First, he hasn't provided labs for us to look at to determine why he might need HCG. Second, he hasn't been on TRT long enough or reached the level he needs to be at. I don't believe anyone should be adding things to TRT until they've reached the level they need to be at and have been there for 3 months. If at that time after that they don't have more stamina and feel more sexual then they should consider adding HCG. And not every man needs HCG. I know Nelson shares these thoughts and has expressed them on a recent post from member Cocarr that you, me, Nelson and a few others commented on. I love the fact that you are pro HCG and applaud every effort you make to promote it. I've read up on it and think it's wonderful and feel like I should be on it myself. The problem is it has this FEMALE FERTILITY DRUG stigma attached to it and it scares doctors off. If Carmine, or anyone else for that matter, asks their doctor about taking it there's a very strong possibility that the doc will refuse the request. I had this experience just last week. On Tuesday I saw my new endocrinologist and was looking forward to talking to her about putting me HCG as I've noticed some testicular shrinkage. After a long conversation about it she gave me a flat out NO. She said I didn't need it and was not interested in reading the Excelmale printout on HCG that I brought with me. What she did do was pull out a long cord with oval shaped balls on it in various sizes. I now refer to this thing as "The String O' Nuts". She asked me to feel these and determine what size my boys (my word, not hers) used to be and what size they are now. Pretty hard to determine when you can't just drop your pants and go for a feel. I did my best and picked the two sizes. She looked at what I chose, rolled her eyes and said "I don't think you have anything to worry about." So I guess the one thing I learned from this visit is that I was once huge and now I'm just normal! :)
Your Physician is not trained correctly. One must understand the critical nature in how HCG as an LH analog activates the P450 side chain clevage in the HPTA suppressed male and you will learn why it is vital in a well thought out and properly managed TRT protocol. Plus, as Dr. Crisler will remind us; we have LH receptors through out our bodies and they are there for a reason. What happens when those receptors are not activated? We can't shut off hormones in our body which are needed for optimal health and think that is is not..
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Your Physician is not trained correctly. One must understand the critical nature in how HCG as an LH analog activates the P450 side chain clevage in the HPTA suppressed male and you will learn why it is vital in a well thought out and properly managed TRT protocol. Plus, as Dr. Crisler will remind us; we have LH receptors through out our bodies and they are there for a reason. What happens when those receptors are not activated? We can't shut off hormones in our body which are needed for optimal health and think that is is not..

Not to hijack this thread but what hormones besides T are effected by LH receptors?
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