Hey everyone, I recently got back my 9 month trt labs. At 3 months (monday AM labs pre injection), my TT was 970, free T 25.2 and E2 sensitive was 25, SHBG 29.9. Protocol has been the same throughout 50mg of test M/W/F (recently changed to T/TH/Sat), 25-30mg DHEA/day, 300 HCG 3x/wk, no AI. I have felt great on this protocol.
New Labs as of 2 weeks ago at 9 months, tested Sat. AM pre injection, not true trough as work will not allow me to get labs during the week as it is over an hour drive to labcorp in CT (NY doesn't support doing labs not prescribed by NY doc). TT 1132, free T 21.4, E2 43.1, SHBG 30.7. All other markers good/ the same except glucose down from 105 to 86 and triglycerides changed from 70 to 50. All good stuff except for the E2.
Question is that I have a consult coming up in a few weeks and I have been having some high e2 symptoms such night sweats (the most annoying) and a small bit of water retention and a bit more sensitivity to sad movies LOL. I know Anstrozole is going to be part of the discussion. I also know that many here are against it and are going to tell me to just lower t dose. Thing is is that I have and continue to feel great and as my labs were not done on my true trough I would imagine that my TT would be around the original 970 if I had given it the extra day. I am considering a .125/3x/wk dose of adex to see if that solves things if it is offered to me as it was at the start of the protocol (I declined it). Any opinions by those on adex or not? Thanks for any responses.
New Labs as of 2 weeks ago at 9 months, tested Sat. AM pre injection, not true trough as work will not allow me to get labs during the week as it is over an hour drive to labcorp in CT (NY doesn't support doing labs not prescribed by NY doc). TT 1132, free T 21.4, E2 43.1, SHBG 30.7. All other markers good/ the same except glucose down from 105 to 86 and triglycerides changed from 70 to 50. All good stuff except for the E2.
Question is that I have a consult coming up in a few weeks and I have been having some high e2 symptoms such night sweats (the most annoying) and a small bit of water retention and a bit more sensitivity to sad movies LOL. I know Anstrozole is going to be part of the discussion. I also know that many here are against it and are going to tell me to just lower t dose. Thing is is that I have and continue to feel great and as my labs were not done on my true trough I would imagine that my TT would be around the original 970 if I had given it the extra day. I am considering a .125/3x/wk dose of adex to see if that solves things if it is offered to me as it was at the start of the protocol (I declined it). Any opinions by those on adex or not? Thanks for any responses.