Hey all -
39/m looking to optimize T on my own and doing my best to go about it the right way.
Attached are pre-TRT bloods:
Total T - 425
Free T - 62
E2 - 16
SHBG - 30
HDL and LDL are elevated
Those are the numbers that I looked at but if anyone can spare a few minutes, I'd love for someone with some more expertise to give em a quick look.
Aside from HDL and LDL, I'm seeing everything else in range and feel ready to move forward. My plan is 100/mg week/EOD/SubQ for 3 months and see how things feel. Possible small adjustment up to 125 mg/week for the next 3 months and then bloods again at 6 months.
Thanks in advance for taking a look and I'd appreciate any feedback on the bloods or protocol.
And a big thank you to ALL in the community here...this site has been a huge resource.
39/m looking to optimize T on my own and doing my best to go about it the right way.
Attached are pre-TRT bloods:
Total T - 425
Free T - 62
E2 - 16
SHBG - 30
HDL and LDL are elevated
Those are the numbers that I looked at but if anyone can spare a few minutes, I'd love for someone with some more expertise to give em a quick look.
Aside from HDL and LDL, I'm seeing everything else in range and feel ready to move forward. My plan is 100/mg week/EOD/SubQ for 3 months and see how things feel. Possible small adjustment up to 125 mg/week for the next 3 months and then bloods again at 6 months.
Thanks in advance for taking a look and I'd appreciate any feedback on the bloods or protocol.
And a big thank you to ALL in the community here...this site has been a huge resource.