I just bought 27gauge 1/2 inch needle , its a 1.0 ml needle and has the numbers 1 threw 9 i believe, i inject 50 ml 2x aweek with a 3 ml, what number do I draw to , to equal 50 ml on a 27 gauge needle and were in the shoulder should I inject safest Place?
Mykel, I think what you meant to say is that you inject
50mg x 2 per week, not 50ml. Unless your protocol calls for 10,000mg per week of testosterone LOL. (If it does, we need to talk ha ha).
So, permitting you're looking at 50
mg x 2 (total of 100mg per week), the only difference will be the optics on the syringe with the total amount of cc's. Like Covino mentioned, we're also presuming your dosage amount is 200mg/ml(?). If so, draw out to .25cc, or just as close as you can right between the 2 and 3 mark on the syringe. 200mg x .25cc = 50mg. IMO, your best bet will be to inject into the delts; having a 1/2" pin.
An easier option to keep in mind for the future is going even finer with a 31g x 5/16" length insulin pin, and go subcutaneously. I like the IM application when you need to inject
> 1cc , but when only doing 1/4cc or 1/2cc, SubQ has its benefits!!