trt doctors

  1. T

    Dosage question?

    Hi, new to trt (2nd week of 50mg injected 2xweek with AI) I told my doc ive been getting night sweats and low energy and sometimes hot flashes on days i dont inject. I feel pretty dang good the day inject, but its the days i dont inject that i feel not as good. I still have zero libido and semi...
  2. L

    Question for a Doctor....

    The below is a reply I posted in another thread. The poster was looking for a TRT doctor who accepts insurance. I thought perhaps a Physician would possibly give an honest response here: I am starting to believe what you are looking for doesn't exist. I too would like to think I can pay for...
  3. Z


    Was wondering if anyone on this forum gets there TRT in Minnesota and if so have you had luck with your doctor? Mine no luck, found a new one. Not sure what he will be like, but was wondering if anyone on here knows some good reputable ones in Minnesota? Thanks
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Does your doctor prescribe testosterone plus HCG?

    Does your doctor prescribe testosterone plus HCG? Please help your doctor get more business and other men who are looking for good doctors. Let us know if your doctor prescribes testosterone plus HCG by filling out this survey. Thanks!!