
  1. W

    Peak for daily injections?

    I might be having some trouble getting things dialed in on daily injections, and I very much want to find out what my peak is. Does anyone have any idea about how long after injection to get labs done for peak? I think I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that five hours would be peak...
  2. S

    When To Test For Peak Or Trough

    How many hours after I inject cypionate would I test the highest? How many hours before the injection would I test the lowest? Is it as simple as just before the next injection? I am on an EOD schedule.
  3. S

    Test cream trough?

    Has anyone here on the creams tested their trough levels? If so, what are your peak levels for comparison?
  4. V

    Peak & trough timing on daily subq injections?

    I'm on daily subcutaneous testosterone cypionate injections and my doctor always has me do my labs in a 4-5 hour window post injection. I know T levels are pretty stable on daily injections but does anyone know the timing of the peak and trough for daily subq cypionate injections? I just want...
  5. J

    Peak and trough

    Hello I have a question for those of you who may have a answer. I have been using .4 ml q 3.5 days and my trough was 1125 last lab. I have been using .36 ml Q 3.5 days to bring it down a little. I realize that the difference between Peak and trough will not be as wide due to injecting Q 3.5...
  6. K

    What does the "trough" feel like?

    Hey guys, so my endo wanted to do some follow-up bloodwork on my starting protocol (125mg E2W) after 6 weeks, which is going to be next week. It's now been 12 days since the last injection - with 6 more days to go, as he is on holidays and only draws blood on Wednesday (it's Thursday now). I...
  7. H

    Trough and Hematocrit post yours

    Trough: TT 947 (364-916) FT: 33.1 (8.7-25.1) Hematocrit: 53.5