
  1. C

    5 Weeks TRT - symptoms and questions

    Hi Team - 5 weeks in 200mg Test 1x weekly due to total T being at 319 most of my life (I’m now 49). I’m 6’1, 221 lbs and after 5 weeks, weight same, but gained 4 lbs of muscle, lost 4 lbs of fat. My clinic uses Inbody scan and it shows my percent body fat going from 26 to 22.6. I have felt...
  2. M

    Biweekly injections

    Hi guys I'm on a current testosterone replacement there with me through my doctor but I can't get them to prescribe it to me every week I mean I can do the injection to myself but I just been going through an injection Clinic because I'm afraid to give myself the injections but when I emailed...
  3. T

    Estrogen Symptoms PLEASE HELP

    Here we go - I’m off on an estrogen trip again. I am getting labs tomorrow, but results have been taking 10-14 days. I don‘t think I can remain this miserable for that long. I am on .1 Enanthate daily, and .125 Anastrozole every other day. I was taking .125 every 3 days, and my e2 was at 31, so...
  4. John89

    Irritability and fatigue after exercise - Symptom of Low-T?

    Dear all, within the last years I have developed a very specific symptom. Almost every time after doing excercise I am a complete mess for two days: Irritability, fatigue, depression, brainfog and a general feeling that is comparable to having the flu. Basically I crash ultra hard after every...
  5. M

    Uncomfortable feeling in Anus/Sphincter

    Hello all, New member. 47 Y/O Male. Started TRT with a local clinic about 1 month ago after very low T results (180 range) and symptoms of low energy, brain fog, weight gain, etc. Now on my 4th week (200mg/test & 100mg/deca per week, 500IU HCG 2x week, .5MG Tablet Anastrozole 2x week plus a...
  6. M

    How does testosterone improve brain fog?

    The infamous brain fog is one of the low testosterone symptoms. In my instance TRT lifted it. I've never seen this question answered: What IS testosterone doing metabolically in your body to handle/fix/cure the brain fog. What IS brain fog aside from the usual symptoms cited. Can it be...