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  1. S

    Supra physiological FT

    Dr Keith Nichols explains Why You May Need Supraphysiological Testosterone Levels.
  2. L

    TRT to Supraphysiological Levels for Body Building

    Hi All, I'm a male, 32, with normal/solid levels of testosterone (650 ng/dl TT). I've been exercising on and off since I was a teenager but have only been on a proper weightlifting and diet protocol for the past 6 months with a professional bodybuilder with my main goal being to obtain a great...
  3. A

    I feel best on a protocol that puts me above range... advice?

    So ive tried a few dosing protocols and have a journal where I log the side effects after 6-12 weeks. 20mg eod puts me at Total Testosterone 830 ng/dl (250-1100) Free Testosterone (151 pg/mL (35.0-155.0) Sensitive Estradiol 27 pgmL (< or = 29) I feel flat and low energy.. also irritable...
  4. T

    Question about supraphysiological dosages of testosterone

    In a January 2012 article, Dr. Mark Gordon discussed supraphysiological dosing: "Gordon explains that conventional medical dosage for testosterone is at 200-300 milligrams per week, which he has shown is far too high! "For example, a typical 25-35-year-old male naturally generates 4-10...
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