
  1. D

    What caused my T levels to drop, decreased energy and libido ... AGAIN

    I started testosterone 20.25 mg/1.25 gram (1.62 %) gel 1 pump on each arm in April and increased to 2 pumps or arm in May with increased T Levels up to 707 in October. T gel caused atrophy so started 20 units of HCG and gradually increased to 40. Now "again" experiencing reduced energy and...
  2. R

    Help with protocol

    I’m on 10 weeks of trt with 60mg”s twice a week IM. Levels came back around 550 at trough and free t at 18, E2 at 56 (using hcg 400ius 2x a week). I feel okay but I know those aren’t in the optimal range. My main reasoning is I have lower shbg around 16.5 pre treatment it is now at 11.8 on trt...
  3. D

    Androgel increased / T levels improved / Extreme Tiredness

    I've been on Androgel for less than 4 months. T level was 249/189 so prescribed 1 pump per shoulder ... rechecked labs and T level was 347 so increased to 2 pumps per the doctor but now have noticed that the increased energy that I originally experienced seemed to be diminishing and now is...
  4. N

    Low T at 20 years old! Where do I start?

    Hello Gentlemen, For 2 years now I have been experiencing a lot of horrible symptoms that I didn't have before. I have been diagnosed with Anxiety, Bipolar, and Major Depressive disorder. But that's only some of the mental symptoms. Physically I have been getting symptoms such as hair loss...
  5. R

    Testosterone and weightlifting.

    Anyone with already low T tried to stop weightlifting for a while and re test to check if T went up? people say “lifting weights increases T”, but the majority of the people i see (if i remember correctly) with already low T are weightlifters. i wonder if lifting weights could actually be...
  6. R

    Natural testosterone levels went up by stopping working out?

    people say they usually feel better when they workout. i feel a lot worse sometimes and i always go with no motivation or energy to workout. sometimes i even feel like puking and anxiety rises. i stopped working out but tbh its been 2 weeks and feel almost the same. im scared to actually workout...
  7. C

    Are T levels low?

    Hi, Im 35 yrs old. I recently had my T checked. The results of my T Total came back at 285.1 ng/dl. The Doctor didnt say anything about Low T but considering the range goea from 199-1586 Im a bit concern. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Carlos