Hi there, greetings to you all.
Sorry for my Englisch/misspellings. Englisch is not my native language.
43 y/o male
I have used Finasteride and SSRI in the past. Which led me probably with Low T and low E. Don't wanna go too deep into this. There are much forums about these topics and they...
fT3 2.92 in 2-4.4
THS 1.18 in 0.27-4.2
Interestingly before going on TRT my THS was 2.25 in 0.358-3.74.
I got a body thermometer and it measured 96.6 at this time (noon) which is considered low.
I read that low body temperature means that your body does not produce enough energy and...
I have several different problems. Any assistance is appreciated.
1. Low average daily body temp (97.1 average daily temp) occassionally rises to 98.0 - 98.5 after training.
2. Inability to lose weight. I have tried several different plans: increased activity (cardio, etc) reduced calories...