ketamine depression

  1. Nelson Vergel

    A Ketamine Revolution for Depression and Pain?

    “In slightly more than a decade, the emergence of ketamine’s rapid antidepressant effects has been viewed by some experts in the field as arguably the most important psychiatric discovery in half a century.“ Niciu et al. The FDA panel’s recent overwhelmingly positive (14-2) vote and the...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    New depression drug related to ketamine recommended by FDA panel

    The influential panel voted 14-2 in favor of Johnson & Johnson's drug esketamine, a treatment developed to treat major depression in patients who have not benefited from at least two different therapies. The panel said the benefits of the nasal spray outweighed the risks. Side effects include...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Ketamine Could Be the Key to Reversing America’s Rising Suicide Rate

    Very good article. I have tried medically supervised IV ketamine and it works for me. I only had to do it 3 times. Ketamine Could Be the Key to Reversing America’s Rising Suicide Rate